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I see these in the dressing room. Anyone know what these are?
Prepare for the cosmic candy rain :9
being brutally honest here... the shorter female outfit is just a reskin of Floral Fairy with some different decoratives. It's like Floral Fairy and Night Witch got busy and had a baby. I still like it though
I think both the long and short outfits are so cute, but I have a feeling they're gonna be terrible drop rates because gacha =( Never realized the short one is a reskin though lol.
(*grumbles and prepares checks*)
A big pass on the wings though. I don't really care for anything other than my butterflies.
What are those titles?
Is that one of the 2nd title's effects?
Personally, I like the outfit but have no desire to craft under a purple cloud, so normal one for me!
"in my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me"
But I still want them ;;
Yea, not my favorite thing on outfits. Wish it'd just go.
I was thinking about that too. I know we haven't even gotten these outfits yet but I'd love for them to make Eluned versions eventually, the male version with the pants are really nice, I want it for my female lol.
Fangirling rn.
I agree. Also the longer female outfit looks like a reskin of Astrologer outfit with some Night Witch and Floral Fairy dress decorations. It looks nice, but let's be honest - Nexon is running out of ideas. You can clearly see this happening with wings especially.
I think I first started seeing them in Aion.
Not only that but in real life fashion, that's a thing a lot of girls wear too, either with dresses or shirts or skirts.
Maybe I'll try to snatch the short version, or maybe I can get them both... ahah yeah, they'll be like an eye and a kidney each. Will keep on dreaming
I must knowwwwwwwwwwww
New gacha. Rip...
I wonder if these flap when you move. That would be kinda nifty.