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That's not an event, it's a everyday thing.
Are you sure about that?
This is pretty much what I thought.
It went a bit more though to Welp they finally made gachas an official event
tbh there hasn't been a week without limited gachas in a while so..
one gacha ends another one just starts
Forever in gacha loop.
I'm sorry that GM and dan drain your entire day, but some of us are faster and like more things to fill our time...
Fine, I'll lay off the bread and circuses and get on the dog and pony shows.
Like one for an upcoming talent.
Chain Slash perhaps?
I wish...
Please, let there be a teaser soon!
I'll need it for all those pets I never level. Or use. Or summon.
Actually I'll just use a level 200 supplement instead.
Logging in as pets is a strange experience.
They have the old load times for normal skills.
Their moon gates follow the schedule of old.
They wander about if you don't make an action after a little while.
I remember Black-tailed mongooses used to be good exp for pets.
Thank goodness for Divine Link, and the way it gives the pet the same exp as the owner.
But, that just makes me realize a regular 2x exp event would be the same as a pet exp 2x event, just better.
So if
Broom = !?!?!?
On a side note, I approve of the time span allotted for the pet gacha. That means more people have a chance to get them, which is GOOD.
..Just not fun/interesting events.