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List Of Stuff You Enjoy In Mabi

Mabinogi Rep: 1,025
Posts: 15
edited September 26, 2017 in General Chat
No Sarcasm Please

My List Of Stuff I Enjoy In Mabi

-I Enjoyed Rafting and Commercing.
- I Enjoy Ranking Skills
- I enjoy not getting my stuff stolen anymore.
- I Like hanging around nontoxic people, That are Active.
- I Enjoy being in nontoxic Guilds, and groups. That actually do stuff Regularly, other than afk and skype, discord etc.
- I Like Some of the Events. Like the Halloween ones, Catchapon, doki doki. The old miku board one. I miss the hide and seek one for trans medals.
- I enjoyed the main story until maybe the saga.
- I enjoy raids when possible.
- I like Grinding Shadow Missions and stuff, along as it's reasonably rewarding.
- I enjoy Crafting and Enchanting. Not so much on gathering.
- I like trading for stuff.
- I enjoy helping people that actually need it and can listen, and pay attention.
- I sort of like the fashion in the game.
- I like how there has been at least some updates to the game, like the %100 repair rate, the fomor scrolls and the giant revamp. I havent played for awhile, But i can catch up.
- I may not like the dungeon revamp though but i like how they at least did something with it.
- I enjoy exploring the in game world, without the moon gates, and not use them all the time.
- I also enjoyed having to wait to use the gates.
- I enjoy not having the bank lock and waiting 3 weeks to rebirth anymore.
- I enjoy how pvp used to be good, but now sadly to much of a mess and broken.
- I like doing the daily's.
- I Like soloing Peaca int. Phantasm sound like a sad joke even though i haven't tried it yet.
- I Enjoyed how much better it was to get dungeon passes.
- I enjoy spamming ma
- I enjoy fishing sometimes, very rarely though.
- I enjoy going to uninvited dragon raids and doing public. That's a small list of stuff i enjoy in mabi. Feel free to mention your's. Im rather bored.
[Deleted User]MeyCosmicandy


  • MininightMininight
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,025
    Posts: 15
    so many I's oops il edit later maybe
    [Deleted User]
  • ShireAccel913ShireAccel913
    Mabinogi Rep: 900
    Posts: 61
    Honestly i get tired of mostly of things u mentioned, so i stopped doing them. The hype for upcoming updates and good event rewards are the only things that makes me keep playing. The thing i enjoy the most now is do thing with my guildies <3
    [Deleted User]
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Life skills, produce and sell, the storyline, the lore, the failures of Ferghus (because it's comedic until it slaps you in the face and shoots an arrow in your knee), the scenery, the music.
    pawcalypse[Deleted User]
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    I'm sorry, but how can you like enchanting? I underestimated enchanting at first, doing very little research and bought non-enchanted gear because I thought, hey no biggie, Imma just buy the scroll and enchant it myself later. Until I realized it's costly af, I failed twice for some low rank scroll and breaking some durability and wasting a protection pot and 2 divine powders in the process. Also failed enchanting solo enchant so I have to wait for another event that gives out protection pot now. When I did succeed, I got low rolls ugh..

    I think the only thing I enjoy in Mabi is when I manage to make some money and whenever I feel a sense of achievement, like soloing stuff I never can before.
    [Deleted User]Greta
  • pawcalypsepawcalypse
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,705
    Posts: 498
    • when the game does not lag
    • when you can log in and play
    • composing
    • hearing edited music
    • NPC vs NPC (ex: foxes vs chickens)
    • random expensive/rare things on the ground you can pick up
    • good rewards
    • the satisfaction of outsmarting the target
    • the defeat of multiple targets
    • players that make good conversations
    • revive and healing
    • solitude
    KensamaofmariEastSea[Deleted User]kapapa
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    -Buying just the right dye, and looking so fabulous as to turn heads while you AFK, doing work. o:)

    (I am completely serious. I need a red dye, pronto. I will feel like a goddess if I do.)
    [Deleted User]Mey
  • ImaizumiImaizumi
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,225
    Posts: 698
    Although I tend to be on and off depending on how tiresome things become, I do enjoy the fact that often this game sets artificial growth limits on players but keeps the growth within a decent pace. Originally this was just with RBing for AP to grow your character, but has expanded to several other systems like Crusader dailies, Alban limits, Renown, etc.

    It solves a problem of other MMORPGs have with progression which is you often feel like you go really fast at the start, and slow down to nothing once you approach end game. And the problem of free time min max lords that can spend their time 24/7 on the game vs the average joe that might have 1-2 hours on a few off days to work on their character. Although it can be tiresome to work on the progression because it's daily, it also feels like I'm always progressing at a steady rate as long as I reach a minimum thresh hold. You CAN sling shot ahead, but it is capped and isn't an insurmountable difference to overcome in the big picture as a slow and steady turtle player, and I like that.

    I used to love the combat of this game pre genesis update with skills loading, but that's kind of gone now. Tbh besides progression I just like playing dress up on this game. It's a nice little goal to work towards as well, stacking the $$$ to get pretty booty.
    [Deleted User]
  • EastSeaEastSea
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,260
    Posts: 42
    1. My dearest friends.
    2. My guild (Electrolytes of Mari)
    3. When you get a crit and it hits super hard.
    4. The social aspect of the game even though it has a lot of uncalled for drama.
    5. Getting nice stat rolls on items.
    Other things that I cannot think of...
    pawcalypse[Deleted User]
  • NoireCatNoireCat
    Mabinogi Rep: 520
    Posts: 11
    edited September 26, 2017
    - commerce! i love traveling around without using moon gates like the old days, sometimes it makes me notice little things in towns id never notice before if i was just zooming by to a moon gate
    - life skills, mostly ones that revolve around crafting, hillwen stuff is my fav
    - fashionogi, i love the outfits and accessories in this game...i don't wanna say how much i've spent on gacha
    - also of course making new friends and doing runs with them or just sitting around and fishing is great
    pawcalypseKensamaofmari[Deleted User]
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    NoireCat wrote: »
    - commerce! i love traveling around without using moon gates like the old days, sometimes it makes me notice little things in towns id never notice before if i was just zooming by to a moon gate
    - life skills, mostly ones that revolve around crafting, hillwen stuff is my fav
    - fashionogi, i love the outfits and accessories in this game...i don't wanna say how much i've spent on gacha
    - also of course making new friends and doing runs with them or just sitting around and fishing is great

    Travel by foot and explore every nook and cranny of the maps,
    [Deleted User]
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    transformation mastery and the bard system are two of the biggest reasons I still play. most of the events are great as well but I like exploring every corner of a game even getting to places that should be near impossible to return to so adventure skills and collecting monsters is great motivation to do that. commerce is a lot of fun but after a while doing the same trade routes over and over get boring which is why I support the suggestion of commerce in Iria, it is a great feature it just needs to be revamped a little.
    [Deleted User]
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    I like when you've freshly rebirthed and get a whole bunch of exp all at once.
    That whoosh of 40 levels at once is preeeeeetty nice.

    I also like when you get a nice crit on a big attack on a lot of enemies at once. (Fireball, Judgment Blade, Windmill, etc)
    Especially so when none of the enemies go into deadly.
    [Deleted User]kapapapawcalypseShadowtivani
  • EvieCEvieC
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,030
    Posts: 4
    edited September 26, 2017
    Since I am a new player, I really enjoy doing the generation quests ^-^
    Iyasenu[Deleted User]pawcalypse
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    -Not dying
    [Deleted User]Meypawcalypse
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    -Not dying

    I enjoy both more or less the same.
    [Deleted User]pawcalypse
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    I enjoy seeing people play the game.
  • ArchdukeValeCortezArchdukeValeCortez
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,380
    Posts: 117
    The fact that there are life skills, even if they are grindy.
    The fact that you can work on many different skills at once which out being restricted to a singular class.
  • MabskmkMabskmk
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 16
    Long story short:

    Mostly games don't let you choose things like Mabi does.

    - Commerce
    - Tranformation mastery
    - Crafting
    - Collecting things (dress room, titles etc )
  • lceCreamlceCream
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,205
    Posts: 199
    edited September 28, 2017
    I enjoy all the login music and osts

    The later generation quests(g13+) are pretty fun, I enjoy the stories
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Oh, drawing the scenery.
    Just find a spot, set an angle and just draw it.