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List Of Stuff You Enjoy In Mabi
No, I say lull.
-The NPC interaction system is sweet. I like the little introductory blurbs, the keywords, the different responses you can get based on if you've been chatting with the NPC a lot lately. It reminds me a bit of the Harvest Moon-type games.
-The more laid-back atmosphere. This feels like a very chill game. In some ways the freedom reminds me of the more sandbox-y mmos... but without the pking and crazy playerbases such games seem to attract.
-All the fashion options
Every day it seems I find something new and fun with this game. I hope I don't sound too saccharine to the more jaded long-time players :P
- Fashions. Though being a male, choices are pretty limited but I just remembered that's one of the things that drew me in when I first started to play. I spent hours playing around with the character simulations.
messing with enemies that are far stronger than me
or try to solo field bosses
then die and have myself revived
then hold a grudge against the enemies that killed me
and try to kill them again
then die again and revive myself again
get obsessed with it and repeat it even if my exp drops to negative
(probably till i get pot poisoned or run out of pots or they despawn or someone else killed them)
designing my homestead when i get new stuff for it
glitching around and hunting for glitches
chatting with friends and doing missions with them
chatting with random people and make new friends
try to add them and sometimes fail it's either because my list is full or theirs