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Guys! Login! The Sky Lanterns are back!
What a surprise.
I liked this event last time!
Wasn't it like... 20 last time?
Sometimes less really IS more!
... That saying doesn't really make sense here, does it?
All his non-capped skills are r1 or higher, and all his capped skills are already at 100 exp from past event skill training seals.
Time to offer up a prayer for The Grand Skill Uncapping Update. *clap* *clap*
Also, Ascon likes to bring the mood down.
Did you do this event on the character you're trying to do it on the last time this event came around?
I don't remember who I partaked with.
Save it I guess, I held onto what I had long ago.
and no
that potion wont cure my wound of getting these trashes
Guess I'll wait patiently for the event to be fixed.