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With Magic-Infusion Mastery and the Enchant Skill, you infuse your weapons and missiles with elemental magic for a short amount of time. In regards to missiles such as arrows, bolts, and javelins, you can prepare infused arrows in advanced with the Enchant Skill and it lasts permanently. To infuse your weapons and missiles, you have infuse five charges of a bolt magic onto a piece of equipment using the enchant skill. For example, Rank 1 Infusion Mastery may cost 150 mana to use, last for 20 hits, and increases your weapon's damage by 50% of it's min/max damage in magic damage.(Similar to the way Meteor Strike deals physical and magic damage.) The magic portion of the infused weapon's damage is based on your magic attack in the way magic bolts are.
If you have a Sword with 40-70 damage, the infusion adds damage as if you're hitting with a bolt that has 40-70 base damage on each hit. That damage is increased by magic attack and multiplied further based on what skill you're using. i.e. 40-70, increased to 100-130 with magic attack, increased by 500% by the Smash skill to 500-650. The magic portion of your weapon-infused damage is elemental and has added effects.
Ice infusion adds a 20% freeze chance that lasts .5 seconds.
Fire infusion adds a burn effect that deals 20% of the base weapon damage every second for 5 seconds in magic damage. The burn effect doesn't stack and only refreshes if reapplied or replaced if a stronger burn affect is applied.
Lightning infusion adds an area of effect shock effect that deals 10% of the base weapon damage in magic damage and stuns enemies like a normal lightning bolt.
When infusing missiles, it uses the attached bow's base damage. 1000 Arrow, Bolt, Javelin Bundles, Elf Quivers, and Bhafel Huntress can't be infused. Store bought missiles, handmade arrows and bolts, and Sephirot Bolts can be infused. Also, for barrier reasons, infused missiles are blocked and have their elemental damage reduced by Natural Shield.
This skill can add Options for Mage-Hybrids because there aren't any besides Gunslinger being Strength/Dexterity and Mirage Missile being Dexterity/Intelligence. It would be a great addition to the game and add more variety to archery as well with finally being able to have elemental arrows outside of Elf Transformation. Elf Transformation could even add bonuses to this skill in the same way Dark Knight's Control of Darkness gives bonuses to Wild Animal Taming. Please consider this idea. Thanks.
IGN: Choten
Server: Mari
However, some other mage hybrid options are.
Wand + Guard Cylinder
Magic Knuckles.
Magic Knuckles are nice but it still separates magic from melee into just ranged attacks and stuns. Wand+Cylinder just adds more skill options like charge, and alchemy.
With infusion, you could infuse it into anything so that mages can fight with fighter skills or melee skills while it's charged onto a weapon for a certain amount of hits like when you add poison to your weapons. The idea is that this buff just adds an int scaling to your melee and ranged attacks with added effects, so it doesn't scale exclusively Intelligence/will or Intelligence/Dexterity.