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Uhhhh. What? I hope you realize that with these two points that anybody able to run VHM will just have an hourly intake of ~2m spamming it. You'll certainly "Fix" the economy but it'd be closer to rigging it.
You honestly think that VHM will help the Economy? Okay so here are some numbers for you: On Mari, people were running VHM 5hours with about 40-50 success runs per hours, getting 50k per run. So thats what...let's take 50 on good day. 50 per hour. so thats 250 every day. 250 runs * 50k = 12,500,000 per person every day. Now we take that number and *7 (for weekly) That is 87,500,000 THat 1 person was making per week. Thats 1 person, not calculating the whole team. So let's say 20 people making 87mil per week. Those 20 people are keeping the gold for themselves, and not sharing it with others. So pretty much in your eyes, fixing the economy is 20 people being able to have any amount of money they want, being able to instantly outbid anyone for anything they want, while continuing to get more money?
Also this will just shoot up the price of Gacha items. Example: When Detective outfits came out. Three people in VHM right off the bat were offering 50mil. Which pushed the prices up and set the price for the items. They ended up crashing to 40mil. It wasn't until the 3rd time they were brought back that people were able to pay 10mil to get them. Reforges were also 700k and brought all the time at that price because people had the money to do so.
Since the nerf, things have been crashing and stabilizing. People can now buy reforges at 17mil a stack instead of having to pay, around 25mil a stack and prices have gone down to about 450k-500k per one reforges. I remember before very hard mode came along, reforges were like 300k each and that was considered to be over pricing. Gacha items have also not been as high.
Reverting the VHM will only drive the prices up alot more.
You must be kidding... We need those for gold sink.
If we lose good gold sink, that will only make Mabinogi even worse, because everyone will be able to save more gold, which means inflation increase and everything will go even more expensive. I don't really want to buy stuff like Holy Water for like 200k per stack. Nope...
-I've essentially played since release, but since a few years ago quit. The economy has never just become dead (the game has become dead, because everyone has essentially quit) despite inflation and deflation because of gold-duping and gold-sinks.
-This same exact thing that you are describing (much to the displeasure of anyone who crafts) has been going on since essentially the start. i.e Valencia plate armor, any eastern swords, Dustin, Colossus armor, etc etc. The value should and mostly will come from the enchants applied to any particular weapon, not because it was crafted, as per usual. Which cannot be crafted, only obtained as a reward, (or from gacha), and then applied successfully.
-The money will not disappear, despite all the gold sinks in this game because you or other exclusive crafters do not have more than everyone else. If there was one thing Angelwing back then, I felt was good at, it was harnessing the most efficient way to come into generally NX exclusive items with ease while at the same time being a crafter and enchanter, and that's partially what made him so rich back then. Not that I have any ideas as to how what he did would be remotely possible now.
-The economy moves despite gacha, and just like people who buy gold, it only moves into one persons hands who get it without actually working for it. That doesn't destroy the economy, that's actually just a lot more like real life, really, although unfair. It doesn't necessarily affect the economy in general, just the value of one particular item as opposed to another. That's why, after a lot of thinking, I don't really hate or have any distaste for people who buy gold.
Are gachas unfair? Yes. Do they destroy the economy? No, not necessarily. Do I like them? No, nor do I buy them.
If you want to know what I think really killed this game, it was those god damn 'splodey pets. That, and bad AI.
Are you forgetting that most demonic weapons suck? No one wants them because they are more expensive than better items.
The problem with the economy isn't inflation, it's wealth inequality. Gold sinks don't solve wealth inequality because the very wealthy don't need to buy anything, except repairs, and it's really easy to break even on repairs.
"You honestly think that VHM will help the Economy? Okay so here are some numbers for you: On Mari, people were running VHM 5hours with about 40-50 success runs per hours, getting 50k per run. So thats what...let's take 50 on good day. 50 per hour. so thats 250 every day. 250 runs * 50k = 12,500,000 per person every day. Now we take that number and *7 (for weekly) That is 87,500,000 THat 1 person was making per week. Thats 1 person, not calculating the whole team. So let's say 20 people making 87mil per week. Those 20 people are keeping the gold for themselves, and not sharing it with others. So pretty much in your eyes, fixing the economy is 20 people being able to have any amount of money they want, being able to instantly outbid anyone for anything they want, while continuing to get more money?"
That's a pretty extreme case but it is plausible. I just think nerfing gold gain causes more problems than it solves, and VHM is pretty inaccessible for the average player (though not as inaccessible as one might think). Still, this doesn't address the core problem of most people not having the gold to buy the massive amounts of items on the market.
I too, have seen hell.
No, I agree with you. The economy isn't the cause of the game dying. The pakers bought the Caladbolg and Tyrfing with regular gold from the NPCs, rather than Ducats, iirc. I don't remember the 150K ducat free-for-all. Maybe the economy will have worsening affects based on the fact that everything moves slower because there is vastly less people playing this game then there was about 2 years ago. The economy will basically always return to the way it is, value will rise and drop based on whats in gacha and different people will hold the money. Fashion items will cost a ton, comparatively.
In any case, the economy won't die, nor the game, because of anything mentioned in the OP.
It's these kinds of gold rewards that cause inequality in the first place. You just said yourself that not everyone can run VHM yet you want the gold nerfs to be reverted. I still remember the economy when saga 6 and VHM pre gold nerf, dyes and reforges literally doubled in prices overnight and has stayed that way and as someone else has already mentioned more expensive items like the Detective outfit were going for obscene prices and has only now dropped down now that VHM was nerfed. You say that nerfing gold rewards does more harm than good and that you want equality but it's that exact thing that causes that inequality, having content that only higher end players can complete gives them access to literally millions of easy gold will drive prices for literally every item sky high. Even if a fourth of the gold in that example entered the game it would have serious consequences, and you need to remember that it's not some kind of limited event, it's permanent content so it doesn't matter how much it gives when people will grind it for hours on end everyday. 50k gold per person in a 16 man party that takes literally 30 seconds to finish is a very scary thought.
The reason most people can't afford most items in the game is because stronger players are inflating the market and buying items at their prices with the gold that came from content they can clear. And gold sinks don't exist to keep anyone in check, it's to keep the gold flow in check. We are literally printing money out of nowhere, so long as anyone and print as much as they want the economy is bound to inflate. Gold sinks exist to help take out gold from the market so that it retains value, it is not made for shorting the gap between the rich and the poor.
Not even Thermonuclear War?
Gacha items only selling - whales who spend thousands of their income on gachas - they make millions of gold - nothing for f2p players.
Sure, I spend my birthday money on Mabinogi, but I don't waste it on gacha. I buy pets and the items which are guaranteed
The rich whales just talk about spending 20m+ like its nothing
I'm lucky I scavenged 2.6m and even then, its nothing compared to everyone else
and it angers me how people can be so greedy
If you know this scene from this film.
"Greed will imprison us all."
This is exactly what ticks me off. Because of them, I cannot afford the simplest things.
i dont give a damn about cosmestic or gacha wings and tails,
just remove anything that refer to this sentence : "CHARACTER STRENGTH AND EQUIPMENT"
"hur dur it wont attract players to buy gacha"
then give us something other than bullcrap gacha
you rarely update eweca orb
VIP service horribly outdated
some event in korea or japan will be skipped or replaced with worse kind of event
bugs in nearly every updated, some of them never get fixed
big patches are half-witted (giant revamp but barely has anything to do with their homeland)
So let me get this straight, your solution is to delete people's money and then force them to buy gachas to earn money? That's a really bad idea. There is enough pay to win going on.
Regulate it
Mabinogi is an example of the negatives of a completely free market.
Price Caps, Price Floors. Average prices. Quotas. Brokerage system.
1: The vast majority of players do not have over 100m in gold. This simply eliminates botted/duped gold from the economy. People who keep their money in checks would be encouraged to bank their money (or we could simply add gold to bank accounts equal to deleted checks until the bank hits 100m). This is essentially a compromise solution between the current situation and a full gold wipe.
2: There are literally thousands of unsellable gacha items floating around in the economy, this turns them into liquidity to stimulate the economy. This is also a temporary measure.
This actually REDUCES the influence of gacha because it pulls back the economy from revolving around whether you win the popular item from gacha.