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Mabinogi NA Potential Tie-Ups Discussion Thread
Okay, first up before any comments, are the conditions that the suggested tie up has to follow:
-The company/copyright originates from/loans to the USA
-Any anime/manga where JP has the only copyrights to is disqualified, especially if the anime is low popularity and has already been done once.
-Any manhwa (KR comic) is also disqualified if not popular in the US.
-Any large and well known company such as Disney are probably going to be difficult for Nexon staff to manage copyright issues, but item and costume suggestions are still welcome.
-Event ideas are welcome, just as long as you describe them well enough for others to understand your madness.
-Any car company would be hilarious, but try to think a bit outside the box.
-Keep the other company and Mabinogi's intended audience in mind, as Vmods won't be too happy about inappropriate ones.
Suggestions I'm most interested to see are what would and wouldn't work for the NA servers, based on USA companies and IP.
Keep in mind that very rarely do we ever witness the almighty GMs sending our wishes over to KR for stuff to actually happen, so don't take things too seriously and have fun!
Then again, maybe it doesn't have to be something from America? Perhaps our friends up north can help us out?
Though I can see Canada helping out with MapleStory more hahaha.. funny joke U_ U
Or down south? Oh wait. I don't think Mexico likes us very much after.. um..
Let's just have Nexon NA visit Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. They'll bring back some cool Celtic stuff, maybe some British guard outfits.
English royalty event, sign me up. Tea and crumpets! Tally ho! England is Celtic too! Big Ben chair that chimes when the Dunby clocks do (or whatever town also has those bells)
(Okay at this point my mind is just entering Limbo, maybe somebody else can actually think of something cool. x_x)
Maplestory is always crossing over with Mabi, but maybe Fiesta could work.
But yeah, any other country besides JP and KR are what Nexon NA staff would probably go after first, as it's just so much simpler.
Would be interesting to see more celtic inspired items...but most Mabi players are probably a bit tired of seeing that all the time.
We already have like Skyrim with the Nordic and basically every MMO does the same old Japanese/Asianese route -_-
I know, it's tough thinking outside of the anime KR/JP localisations!
Oh, speaking of Skyrim, I wonder what would even happen if such a crossover were possible?
I mean graphics wise, Vindictus would be a more likely candidate, but it's still an idea.
The only thing I know about Skyrim is that dragons exist, and that's about it.
Maybe another slay a dragon event sort of deal?
World of Warcraft would probably be an easier mix, with the whole having elves and mixed races thing... not to mention the mountains of lore inspired items Blizzard could port over. Just the idea of Nexon+Blizzard sends shivers down my wallet at the thought of massive potential.
The only character I remember that my nerdy WoW geeky ex friend (we no longer talk) was excited about seeing again is Sylvanas Windrunner, and her armor could work for Mabinogi Elves, maybe even female humans.
And everyone remembers the Lich King, right? Should work for Giants/Male Humans.
Definitely could see people paying big bucks just to gachapon for his tie up set.
I know a friend whose(whos?) dad plays it all the time.
I wish we could have an Attack on Titan crossover but sheesh.. that'll probably never happen. I heard MapleStory got one. ;-;
I'd hate to spend money to get stuff though but that's all Nexon/DevCat seems to do with crossovers.
Money, money, money.
Might as well give us a Payday 2 crossover at this rate.
..That would be hilarious now that I think about it
Too bad that games pretty much out of the question. Rated M I think.
Actually I think WoW is rated Teen, so while Payday 2 might be out of the question, WoW would be plausible...as long as the Nexon devs see eye to eye with Blizzard.
(And text gets nerfed or watered down to... what was mabi's rating again, E10+ or something?)
I have to agree that a tie up event involving only paid merchandise would be rather lame, but we're not really expecting much from Nexon when it comes to FIG anyways.
(Free Item Grants)
If Attack on Titan had an event with event grants, involving tail or tara, then I bet we'd see a spike in the server population, a small, but subtle momentary spike.
Also, can't forget Kyle. Almost as bad as my dad loool
I hope there is an AoT crossover.I would hoard gold to get an Armin Doll Bag or mini gem.
Or anything really.
I bet the moment we get Maplestory 2, there's going to be some sort of promotional event in Mabinogi.
Even if it is just the same recycled one over again, it probably will still haunt you.
I honestly for the life of me can never remember any storyline, let alone most NPC's names. I'm glad someone remembered though. lol
but seems impossible seeing KR Nexon recently never took a glance over anything in NA
I'm not sure how Rooster Teeth would manage that, but anything is possible with paperwork and the lure of money.
Hopefully if we come up with some good (and profitable) ideas, Nexon KR could "take them into consideration."
or king arthur, go here and ctrl-f for 'arthurian', you'll probably find something interesting to twist into an anime style
Maybe even a May Day event..
Maybe this too? Seems Halloweenie though..
Not exactly English but interesting-- oh..
Oh nonono *Madoka Magica flashbacks*
The May Day event looks like something the GMs could have fun designing, and I'm pretty sure they could come up with some pretty original outfits and homestead items, if they had the time to.
Walpurgis Night could probably turn into a Halloween themed event in the middle of April, as it's such a complicated name to ad lib with.
Or maybe we could see Alfie again, haunted by some new NPC.
Also, after seeing how it's related to Beltane, it gave me this Mabinogi feeling that maybe Campfires could actually be used in an event setting, such as a Lorraine's Nightmare style defend the cattle to protect them from some mysterious monster.
However, this thought just brings me back to normal missions, where Deian asks us to protect his wolves.
I'm thinking that if we want an Irish setting for an event, we could go for Tir Na Nog, where we meet an NPC in Tir Chonail, and they bring us to an Elf NPC, "who is in dire need of our assistance."
Perhaps it could be an event that leads up to more of the Vindictus era history of Mabinogi, or more backstory for the 'Other World'...or maybe it's just really redundant to bring up old timelines.
Perhaps it could just be another Mabinogi timeline, with NPCs we've never seen before.
Even better is if it were an entire timeline filled with reversed NPC genders for an April 1st event with no actual storyline to end with...
unless the joke is that you died and the timeline ended because you're just RPing a useless NPC with zero skills..."and such a place is just silly."
Cookie Island, Little Ghost, the Halloween one with the randomized missions in the mansion...
A lot of people ask me why my Fireball is a piece of candy.
Simple; McWaffles title from the Cookie Island event. NO ONE knew it would've been a prize, same with the pocky broom pet. But hey, I did it and now lots of people REALLY want it to do it for those prizes. It's a good winter event too if we need that.
Returning events get kind of stale to veteran players, but adding in new mechanics or objectives to them would be a nice change of pace.
RWBY would be a rather exciting tie-up. There's a lot that can be done to make it hecka profitable as well.
//Sorry, I let excitement get the better of me and literally planned out the whole thing
Too many Kirito wannabes from the last time
I don't know that many American comics/tv/etc. that are appropriate for Mabi.
How about a MINECRAFT CROSSOVER? xdddd funni meme
Really? This is what we're resorting to? The only place that would work mechanic wise is Peria Chronicles...probably.