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Yeah its pretty ironic coming from gaea
That and reforges... Ugh.
But yes I agree I'd love to see more shopping bags, stuff that you can just buy directly without having to rely on stupid RNG.
This game is already RNG enough.
To try your luck for other items? At least if you got another outfit/whatever from the gacha, you could sell that one instead of having to buy another outfit bag. Wouldn't hurt. =T
That's what Vindictus does. Some of their their stuff was gach but they also had a number of things you could buy individually in their beauty shop. They would make new releases limited time. Plus the prices were a little expensive but if you really wanted it you could buy it and it was permanent.
It would be cool if we had under armor styles here too.
I remember when we could get every armor, and weapon item in game. I'm that old school
Only thing you had to pay for were dye amps, bank space(prem service), rebirths(which eventually got special outfits), and those other worthless items that premium service poops out. But all in all even that if you had prem, AND rebirthed every 3 weeks you still spent drastically less then what you have to blow for a piece of an outfit from the gacha of the week.
Spent less money then... well was the past few months I've dropped my spending to the point I now spend 0, and my play time these past few weeks dropped to 0 too as I got fed up with the gachas, and their god awful rates. Hell the events aren't even worth logging in for (well might log in saturday for that one hot time).
Cool beans.
I was actually talking to my husband the other day about how I dislike the gachapons ONLY because I'll never get a cool item if i bought one. LOL. ;P
That being said, I am glad others do like them and buy them as it supports the game; HOWEVER, I also was telling my husband how I like the way they set up the monster urns.... I went to Port Q to watch people opening them and there were groups of people fighting the monsters. I loved it. It brings people out playing together.
Ok, so as an example, an outfit bag that is purchasable without the outfit animation and set bonus, or pieces of the outfit set in the gacha that are X-Grade finished, with most likely desirable enchants already on them with rank 1 reforge and set bonus?
At least then there a choice of trying to get the gacha version and/or buying outfit. But I guess most wouldn't care as much for the stats if it's going in the Style tab anyway ^.^;;
That actually seems like a decent trade off.
Removing the outfit animation and making it purchasable.
nexon would have to put in bold every other line that they don't have the animations though lmao.
You say you are the big sibling around here. I just want to you to double check my math. Why are you so mean?! I shall now go take comfort by cuddling my cool beans.
On topic, the reason you see wings everywhere is because people are spending enough money to buy Gachas to get wings. That doesn't mean the drop rates have improved. In the 6 months I have been playing, between my sister and I, we have 6 wings between us that came from Gachas. And combined we have opened somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,000 (delicious comma, mmmm) Gachas. 6 out of 1,000 are not good odds. And people generally only sell if they have a duplicate or open Gachas solely to sell the contents. Most open Gachas to keep the items themselves.
Also, I don't think a published list of odds would help nor hinder the sale of Gachas. Because while it might deter some, it would embolden others and actually might drive up the market if people knew that item A has a 0.000005% chance of dropping vs item B which has a 5% chance of dropping. There will be those that then use those odds to justify higher prices. Or those that want an item because of the super rarity.
To be honest, compared to some hobbies videogames are fairly cheap. Got a friend who's big into amateur film-making and unless you are ok with handheld shaky cam footage, you do need quite a bit of money to get filming locations, high quality cameras, hell if your friends are rubbish actors then you also need to hire some decent ones and thats also not cheap.
I think the problem with gachapon, particularly the current one, is that the 'failure' rewards are so... meh. Even compared to the last one, the cosmic wonder box, which had letters of guarantee, teeny nao, x-rank crafted heavy armor, training potions, dura hammers, the astrologer outfit, those are all fairly decent stuff.
this one? SIX coin box related 'prizes', halloween costumes (individually too! I was practically giving away the skeleton outfit shoes), the 'of X' ducat instruments, it just felt much worse when you didnt get the main prizes.
I'd liken it back to when TF2 (remember that game? man im old) first introduced loot crates. The big win was an unusual hat, at like a 0.1% chance, but the initial lootcrates they released had regular weapons as part of the prize pool. For a comparison, it would be like opening a tower cylinder completely identical to the one you can buy from npcs, out of a gacha.
I don't have the same revulsion towards loot crates/gacha a lot of people do, I love how it allows for some games to be free2play as long as the whales keep buying, I'm ok with some of the items being really good and rare and exclusive (even in mabi where, lets be honest, the difference in absolute top tier and pretty decent tier isnt really that relevant), I'm definitely ok with fashionogi gachapons, I have a couple issues with reforges (why so expensive and awkwardly priced ;-;) but honestly, mabi's gacha has always been one of the better examples in my eyes
I am fully aware that my math is flawed because it is based on the premise that the Gachas have the same drop rates, which they probably don't. The 6 out of 1000 comment was aimed at someone who commented that they thought the drop rate was fine because they saw people with wings. I merely added in my personal experience which shows in my particular case, the drop rates on wings are pretty bad.
(> <)
It is a bean that is neither hot nor cold.
No matter how many times we've complained about this on the Forums, it's almost like the Nexon NA marketing team thinks we're lying when we tell them why so many players rage quit.
As much as we love Mabinogi, there is competition out there that has modernized the Cash Shop faster and better than Nexon NA, and it's time that Nexon KR starts understanding that they won't make a profit if they don't allow NA to at least run the Cash Shop solo.
It's called teamwork. There's the statistician and mathematician.
Then there's the guys who say, "Okay, how much of this is going to be for a direct purchase, and what exactly do we put in the RNG Box?"
There's also seasonal rotation, seasonal returns, seasonal events, and after all the items are in one big list, you get this:
x/x/x through x/x/x Halloween Outfit Sets (2-5, for each race)
Seasonal Return:
x/x/x through x/x/x Halloween Gachapon (Total of x items)
Seasonal Rotation:
x/x/x through x/x/x Partners (bonus sale, 50% off)
Seasonal Limited Sale:
x/x/x through x/x/x Special Halloween Partners
x/x/x through x/x/x New! Halloween Gachapon (Total of x amount of items)
Gachapon Rotation:
x/x/x through x/x/x Holiday Pets
Essentially, it's just sacrificing a few ex Gachapon outfit sets, (maybe a year+ old) to add into a sellable package for either a discount or whatever price.
The added amount of sold gachapons while adding in a complete outfit set for sale adds a bit of a more comfortable RNG number, giving the player options to either play safe or take chances.