Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Your Daily Fashion!


  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    @FayeKaiba its all good. :D Good to see you back and congrats on getting the Black Mask Appearance Scroll! I know its a very popular Appearance Scroll :) The outfit together with it looks really nice and also congrats on the Ice Dragon Support Puppet. :D

    Hello! Its a little funny looking but I tried my best to dye it. The Lamellar Warrior Armor set. The Helmet, Armor (metal looking part) and Gauntlets are all metal. I’m not sure what the shoes are (I fixed dyed them so could be leather) same with the belt. The pants/shirt was probably the hardest to dye. I had to use a darker pink just to have it come out that shade (kept showing up lighter). I had it brown before but I didn’t like how it looked so I re-dyed it. Before gach re-released the pieces, I had all but the Gauntlets (I just never found them) but this time I did in a shop and now the set is complete. Reminds me of a Samurai so I pulled out my Muramasas (a friend gave them to me) to match.



    Outfit: Lamellar Warrior Armor
    Headpiece: Lamellar Warrior Helmet
    Shoes: Lamellar Warrior Boots
    Gloves: Lamellar Warrior Gauntlets
    Accessories: Muramasa x2
  • MariangelicaMariangelica
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,185
    Posts: 17
    This outift i ended up getting as a male at first because when it cane out i was on my old account Anglegc but then switching over i wanted one again so i sold my male one and found someone with the bag for the outfit totally new and i was so happy at first i had it dyed pink and green but sense ive changed my color scheme i made it blue and i really love it i even found a flower from those npcs in emain the same color :D
    Outfit:Justice Suit F
    Shoes:Justice Suit boots
    Hat:Justice Suit hat
  • AerenAeren
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,565
    Posts: 53
    edited September 23, 2017


    Never thought I'd ever get my hands on a Honeycomb dress. I tried it on with the Opera Glasses, and I feel very fancy. <3

    Head: Blessed Bunny Ear Headband
    Outfit: Honeycomb Dress
    Shoes: Puppet Theatre Shoes
    Hand: Terks’ Open-Finger Gloves
    Weapon: Opera Glasses
  • MedamaudeeMedamaudee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,510
    Posts: 57
    edited September 26, 2017
    Hello! I'm meda and I'm a long time player that recently returned to mabinogi! I'm working on getting some beauty coupons to make my character look even cuter, but here she is right now!


    Wiggling Sheep Ear Headband
    Blessed Battle School Uniform (F)
    New Semester School Uniform (F)
    Police Officer Uniform(F)
    Emerald's Classic Celtic Boots
    Battle School Gloves

    IGN: Medamaudee
    Server: Mari
  • CreamyCupCakePieCreamyCupCakePie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,355
    Posts: 46
    edited September 25, 2017
    Came across this forum and thought i'd share my fave outfit and pose~


    Head: Large Ribbon
    Body: Maid Outfit for Female Partners
    Gloves: Bangle of the Far East
    Shoes: Cessair Commander Shoes
    Tail: Fluffy Kitty Tail (can barely see it xD)
    Posing Outfit: Atui's Outfit
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    @Anemki Experimenting with colors is fun :) Hope you find something that you like and the gradient on the socks is really cute. It wasn't too popular an outfit but I thought it was cute. The Magic Academy Uniform looks nice in your colors, mine will be coming up here shortly haha.

    @Mariangelica It looks awesome, I almost forgot that set came with a hat since I haven't used mine yet and love seeing more green :D Haha love the matching blue rose as well.

    @Aeren Congrats on the Honey Dress, glad to see its getting more love! Also very pretty colors and haha those opera glasses are the best :D

    @Medamaudee Hello and welcome to the thread and back to the game! Good luck getting coupons though I think your character is really cute as she is. I've always been a fan of the elf pink hair color and happy to see the Emerald's Classic Celtic Boots again, they're one of my favorites (though haven't worn them in awhile).

    @CreamyCupCakePie Hello and welcome :D Thank you for sharing your lovely outfit and very cute pose and I kind of see your kitty tail haha very cute :D

    Hello, I was excited to see that this uniform was coming out. I decided to go for the Jr. Version since I rb young and thought it was cuter. When I saw the socks weren’t dyeable (they stay white) while the Sr. ones change color due to being same palette as the coat, definitely decided to stay with the Jr. one (I hate dyeing socks RIP). I love that the wand changes color due to whatever color the coat is (pink wand yayyy). The gold parts aren’t dyeble or socks (for Jr. Version) and the book on the side which I’m okay with. Love how it came out, I also have the Magic Academy Wig (F) [Not the Glasses version] but will show that later with different outfit and the Magic Academy Loafers (F) as well. I thought the Bright Student Wig (F) looked really cute especially with matching color bows. Used the Casual Elementary School Uniform Shoes (F) since I don’t have alot of brown on the outfit. I also got the Strawberry Cookie Wand Appearance Scroll (Pink <3) which you can tell by the blue glow from my Fire Wand. Because of the long hood when down, I had to take off my Fluffy Ribbon Cat Tail but kept my Pink Diamond Wings. Oh and because I found this Gold Ring Halo for a good price and it matched the gold along with the idle pose from the outfit LOL I brought it (And then next day got the Bronze Grace Halo RIP). Also got some pictures (posting just 1 here) with an afk Milk that I took whenever I saw Milk like over a span of couple days. LOL




    Outfit: Magic Academy Robe for Juniors (F)
    Headpiece: Bright Student Wig (F)
    Shoes: Casual Elementary School Uniform Shoes (F)
    Gloves: Lady Waffle Heart Cone Ring
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Gold Ring Halo, Strawberry Cookie Wand Appearance Fire Wand
  • MedamaudeeMedamaudee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,510
    Posts: 57
    Came across this forum and thought i'd share my fave outfit and pose~


    Head: Large Ribbon
    Body: Maid Outfit for Female Partners
    Gloves: Bangle of the Far East
    Shoes: Cessair Commander Shoes
    Tail: Fluffy Kitty Tail (can barely see it xD)
    Posing Outfit: Atui's Outfit

    Adorable character! I just recently got the beauty coupon for the same mouth and I love it! <3
  • CreamyCupCakePieCreamyCupCakePie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,355
    Posts: 46
    Welpppp went to bed a bit late last night so I thought why not post sum jammies~
  • TotonoTotono
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,690
    Posts: 47
    A lot of people posted this outfit already but I just got it today and was proud of how it came out~


    Hat:Cat Ear Headband
    Outfit: Magic Academy Jr
    Shoes: Magic Academy Loafers
    Tail: Fluffy kitty tail
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    @CreamyCupCakePie Very adorable and warm looking :D

    @Totono That's no problem, congrats on getting it. :) Love seeing how the same outfit can be different colors and used with different items. The browns look very good.

    Hello, little early for Halloween LOL but since the new gach was spitting out new support puppets and really adorable ones, I got the Peep Chick Support Puppet (To find the wrong orbs in Dungeons and cause its a chickie). A friend gave me another Cuddly Chicken Robe so I dyed it to match the Peep Chick. The color parts on the egg shell (minus the pink part) is not dyeable and I forgot to take a back picture of the puppet (it has a dyeable bow on the back). I tried to get pictures with all the chickie stuff (minus the Beginner Chickling Hat RIP my dreams). I also got new gestures, Blush is a new favorite haha. Also I got an age 9 pot from the bingo boxes (or attendance boxes, I forget RIP) and used it so I could be small and adorable. And took a picture with an AFK Milk who happened to be only wearing Gauntlets LOL.




    Outfit: N/A (Pierrot Outfit for Idle Pose)
    Headpiece: N/A
    Shoes: Chickie Slippers
    Gloves: Lady Waffle Cone Heart Ring
    Accessories: Cuddly Chicken Robe, Peep Chick Support Puppet
  • ShadowtivaniShadowtivani
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 56
    I haven't posted in a while so here's my Magus Crest Gear, i haven't dyed it yet but it still looks pretty good in blue :) Also with Original Sin Staff and Ice Dragon Flying Puppet
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    @Shadowtivani Good to see you again and that's okay :) It does look pretty awesome in original colors and the Sin Staff goes well with it! Adorable Dragon Puppet :D

    Hello! I think this is my first time showing this outfit, I sold my previous one and I just recently dyed this one to match my old one (but with brown bloomers now). It is super cute on young characters and I love the idle pose. I’m not a huge fan of how the socks get dyed so I always wear long boots to cover them LOL. Also more poses with the Blush and Squee gestures haha.




    Outfit: Pierrot Clothes
    Headpiece: Bright Student Wig (F)
    Shoes: Zorro Boots (F)
    Gloves: Red Eye Strap Bracelet (F)
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Colorful Kite Balloon
  • VengenciaVengencia
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 14
    edited October 5, 2017
    Its been a long time since I've posted but since im back playing, i wanted to pay Cari;s thread a visit :P

  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    @Vengencia Its good to see you again :D Your picture isn't showing up though, I'll message you what it looks like haha.

    Hello! Before I become too lazy and tired to post, doing it now LOL sorry its been awhile. I have a bunch of new outfits thought I can’t wait to show. First up is an oldie that you can get from Ailionoa in Emain, the Tera Adventurer Wear. I brought it for the Dressing Room Title but I dyed it cause I wanted to put an outfit together for it and finally got around to doing so. Its a non-restricted gender outfit so either genders can wear it. I paired it up with my Pirate Woodworker Boots and the Magic Academy Wig (F) that I mention I got with my Magic Academy Robe. My character is doing the Pondering Gesture which is similar to the Eirawen Pose. Also got the Coy Gesture which I thought was funny. I took some pictures with Milk playing with gestures <3




    Outfit: Tera Adventurer Wear
    Headpiece: Magic Academy Wig (F)
    Shoes: Pirate Woodworker Boots
    Gloves: Millia’s Gloves
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Fluffy Ribbon Kitty Tail
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    Here is my unique twist.


    Outfit: Del's Lueys' Filly Dress
    Head: Beach Party Wig (F)
    Shoes: Women's Flats
    Gloves: Red Eye Strap Bracelet (F)
    Robe: Blue Heart Wings
  • ChibisaiChibisai
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,470
    Posts: 285
    edited October 21, 2017
    Finally got the outfit I wanted :o Love the animation so much! Debating whether I should redye the hair to match outfit or keep it the way it is... I love my soft orangish/yellowish hair


    Hat: Divine Demigod Wig F
    Outfit: Divine Demigod Suit F
    Gloves: Divine Demigod Glove
    Shoes: Divine Demigod Boots F
    Wings: Black Holy Feather Wings
    Tail: Fluffy Fox Tail
    Accessory: Red Ring Halo
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    edited November 7, 2017
    @Mizuko Love the new wig and good to see you again :)

    @Chibisai Congrats on the outfit! I like how you dye the hair, that's usually what I do with two-toned wigs just dye it one color and the idle is pretty awesome :D

    Hello, sorry its been couple days but I’m excited to show the Imperial Cosmic Princess Dress (F). Usually when an outfit comes out and there’s two version, I get the shorter one (Magic Academy Uniform) but I actually prefer the longer version this time and the one with the special raincast cloud. Milk gave me the gloves and the boots to the set and I finally brought the outfit. The gold parts on the dress aren’t dyeable so I left the gold pieces on the gloves and boots alone so it would match. Both types have the idle, the Imperial version has the special raincloud that is purple and rains candy. Also got pictures of Milk in the Special Double-Breasted Suit <3333



    Outfit: Imperial Cosmic Princess Dress (F)
    Headpiece: Pihne Wig
    Shoes: Cosmic Princess Boots (F)
    Gloves: Cosmic Princess Starry Cuffs (F)
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings, Gold Ring Halo
  • LeiliciaLeilicia
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
    Posts: 313
    My main chara is on Tarlach, but I made a chara on Mari yesterday and a friend helped me getting Nosuri's outfit. It's not much,
    but someday she'll have more variety <3 ceff3c8d07c2bdb4c8c6024b8d1d003a.png
    IGN: Jaegyu
    server: mari <3

    Outfit: Nosuri's outfit
    Shoes:Special Newbie shoes type A
    Wings: Non-perma ones from today's event, Misty Wings.
  • LittleCeciLittleCeci
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 302
    edited November 9, 2017
    @Leilicia A little late but welcome to Mari and to the thread! :) Awesome outfit, love the idle pose the Nosuri comes with and the colors you dyed it :)

    Hello! Sorry its been awhile, I got sick around Halloween and it was pretty miserable just being up for event stuff so been lazy with pictures and stuff. Imgur has also been weird not loading albums after pictures are uploaded or moved into so that’s been another thorn in my side. Now that I’m feeling better, I can post again hopefully actively! First up is the Astrologer Outfit (F) that came from the same gach as the Imperial Sets. I actually wasn’t going to get it because I didn’t like it that much for the price it currently was but my friend Tree found it for a good price in a shop and I impulsively brought it LOL. I’m little surprised, I expected the gown to be more shiny (Like the Heart Queen Dress) but it doesn’t seem that way so its easy to match with. I grew instantly fond of the outfit and wore it until I got the Matsuri Yukata (F) (Which will be popping up in my next post :D). I used the Gesture Bored to get the pose for the picture (Kind of like Portia’s Idle Pose). I’m also excited to show the Sweet Cross Empire Wig (F) that I acquired. I used the Cosmic Princess Starry Cuffs (F) and Cosmic Princess Boots (F) since the Astrologer Boots (F) I have aren’t dye and I don’t have the gloves (wasn’t expecting to get the outfit LOL so I sold the gloves).



    Outfit: Astrolger Outfit (F)
    Headpiece: Sweet Cross Empire Wig (F)
    Shoes: Cosmic Princess Boots (F)
    Gloves: Cosmic Princess Starry Cuffs (F)
    Accessories: Pink Diamond Wings
  • LeiliciaLeilicia
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
    Posts: 313
    That's the trick, I never dyed it. Too broke too ; ) luckily it's nearly how I'd have it anyway.