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is mean to me.

( and yes I made her a mini version of me e ue )
I gave her three gifts and that's what she says to me ?! /heartbreak emoji

And she is sometimes lucky I can't scold her.
No one anywhere is old enough for slavery, my dear.
I bet they're at -247 likeability, I wonder what they say when they're that low.
Even if partners and pets are not real, it pains me to see people keep them in low health and not feed them.
I see both all the time in Mari, doubt it's any different elsewhere.
I think I have only -7, and I never fed them. Of course, I don't summon them for long periods of time, if but for commerce purposes, but it should have added up, right?
Whatever floats your boat.
usually water does (ok, sorry not sorry, bad joke)
A joke? What joke? I truly do not sea what you mean there.
.....oh my goodness you may be right. The only time they get me to do something is by enticing me first. :O
That is technically true...