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Wait till tuesday bonus for rates @ event bracelet
Ikr. Dude shulda hit the Casino when ur luck was that high. @ least you'll be making bank when this event is over and the rich players who hasn't secured a set 4 themselves yet get desperate.
i did do gacha before the runs but i got nothing but wristwatches so i guess the bracelets were to make up for it lol
Wish my luck could be good for once.
i used like 5 reward box at normal advanced and got nothing, and other countless int run, and still got nothing
I've ran Adv. like 7 times and Int like 10 times with my friend yesterday and got nothing
I ran Int a few times today and Adv twice and also got nothing
Had similar luck with a two person party. Dropped for me on third Int run and a second box the following run. My luck is usually not this good, so I assumed the drop rate wasn't that bad...
im sad.
11/10/17 9:35pm PST
Int 25 , 12 Adv , Adv HM 3 (ALL Full Party Reward)
No Bracelet Box
tedious... RNG based...
from the stream:
- Attendance event
- Fishing event
- give away hot-time
"The drop rate of the monsters and treasure chests"
...treasure chests tho...
still not clear