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Enchanting is one of the absolute worst skills in the game in my opinion. It's an ungodly grind to train it and the only benefits to training it are better success rates when burning for an enchant scroll or, when you reach rank 5, you can attempt to enchant the high rank skills with powder. The only bonuses for enchanting available are intelligence (but this caps off quickly), better powder, and Thursdays. The fact that failing the enchant can take off large chunks of durability, or even destroy the item altogether makes the skill too much of a gamble with too little ways to improve.
With production skills, there's a chance of failure and materials being lost, but ranking the skill improves the odds of success.
When revamping this skill, either remove the durability lost from our equipment, or make ranking this skill actually useful. We want to use this skill to put enchants on our equipment, not always to take them off.
BTW comin from a R1 enchanter it is awful.
I've destroyed so many items putting even low rank enchants on them (I've totaled items with Ra enchants to use a bridging ones) that now I don't bother enchanting any new gear unless it is pretty much worthless. Then there is the whole way you get enchants too that is idiotic. This game is dice roll on dice roll on dice roll with odds worst then the craps tables in vegas.
IMO someone at devcat in charge working on mabi should sit down, and play a game with enchanting like say... world of warcraft look at how it works, and make a system similar to that.
If you leave the durability loss, then protection potions still have some value. Like with production skills, it shouldn't become a guaranteed 100% success rate. But why can't the enchant skill give a small boost to success rates like production skills? Doesn't have to be anything drastic, like maybe an additional 1 or 2% per rank.
Also losing a valuable item when enchant burning. ex. I want to use a chorus enchant I have but I don't want to burn my zorro mask (I like how it looks), yet I want the chorus enchant tied to it.
My ideas for an enchant revamp are:
1. Having a gold sink option to save the item from being destroyed, but you have to pay a huge amount of gold to do that, therefore if you don't want to burn your gold, just buy enchant protections.
2. Having a weapon sealed with a magic that doesn't let you wear it until you find a potion or material to craft it in a dungeon to break the magic force that unable you to use the said item.
3. Enchant party bonuses, by having a party full of people with high ranked enchant skills, it raises your success rates.
4.They should at least increase burning success rates even higher like 10%+ its current (they need to uncap campfire as its currently capped at r8).
How i think Enchant could be improved: I should note that i type this as a rank 1 enchanter
-Int bonus raised from 200 to 1500
-1% Success rate added to each rank after rank 9, master title rewards an additional 3% to enchanting success rate and 2% to burning
- Have Enchants no longer destroy items when the player has Rank 5 or higher but failures still cause massive damage
- Implement Reforges for Enchanting, Enchanting Success rate (1% per level) capped at 10 level, Enchanting Enchant Scroll durability loss reduction (-0.5% per level) capped at 5 level, Enchanting item damage reduction ( -1% per level) capped at 5 level, Enchanting EXP level (1% per level) capped at 10 level. Reforges on Gloves, shoes, hats, and Accessories.
- Make entrusting an enchanter give a bonus 2% success rate for burns and enchanting on Thursdays (to encourage more interaction between players)
-If enchant rank 1 or higher, ,make max effect for enchants become more likely
-If enchant rank 1 or higher, make enchant scrolls able to be used a potential additional 2 times. Meaning that if the enchant is successful, the same enchant scroll can possibly be used an additional 2 times.
-When having 9 or more of elemental enchants, make the player glow the color of their respective element whenever attacked with that element, e.g ice (white) fire (red) lightning (blue). Note: Perhaps can be disabled in Options.
-When elemental enchants are fully in effect, have the player receive 1 damage and become completely immune to that element, this means that ice spear or frozen blast should not freeze the player (if full ice elemental is in effect), fireball and thunder should not knock them down or stun them (if full fire or lightning is in effect). However the player should still receive massive damage from the opposing element.
so i no longer must spend 2.5m for each friggin high rank enchanting
1. INT bonus should go beyond 200 INT. Right now, people that have over 1000 INT should be more successful at enchanting than someone with 200 INT.
2. Skill rank should also boost success
3. Failure shouldn't destroy a item so ruthlessly.
This is actually perfect because it gives even more of a reason for players to train and master Enchanting. Nexon gets us interested in more reforges as we try to get those effects to further boost enchanting, giving them some cash. One thing I would like to add is to change the success rate cap from 90% to 99% like the crafting stuff. There's still a chance for failure, as with everything else, but with high ranks, stats, etc, you can be fairly confident in your success rate.
For instance enchantment is in form of installing 'runes' from a scroll onto your weapons as prefixes and suffixes.
The minigame can be identifying runes on the scroll and choosing the correct runes, and then 'placing' them on your weapon's surface requiring precision (like blacksmithing?).
Another idea for a enchantment minigame is gauging the 'flow of mana' basically a charging gauge that goes up and down while you click on points on the weapon to enchant, trying to get specific levels of 'mana' for each point you enchant.
This allows you to attain up to 90% success rate at even Rank F for high level enchantment, but the 'difficulty' of the minigame scales dramatically, increasing the odds of human error.
Elemental enchantment should be revised into elemental amplification.
Meaning you can actually 'heal' if your resistance turns into absorption!
But the amount of healing is dependent on the system.
100% Resist means 100% of the damage is negated.
105% resist means 100% of the damage is negated, but you heal 5% of that damage too.
If not heal, then absorbing mana of that spell makes sense, especially if you can revamp fire/ice/lightning shields to buff elemental resistances to the point where you can temporarily absorb enemy mana.
For instance Fire Shield Rank F is +15% Fire Resist.
Equipping non-weapon/offhand that has Fire elements, adds +5% resist to fire.
This way you can max out at +35% fire resist from clothing, accessories, and robe, but gain -35% ice resist.
Wearing all fire resist gear and using rank F fire shield negates 50% of the fire spells launched at you, and each rank increase in fire shield can add a flat +5% resistance gain, with rank 1 being +85% resist.
Would be funny if rank 1 fire shield also adds -85% ice resist for the duration of the shield... Ouch.
Another interesting idea is the ability to reflect spell damage back onto the caster.
Upon its success, you can use again to protect other item's.
Or maybe introduce like an enchant protection pot plus which increases the enchant success rate.