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PSA: Meet cute bracelet works in style tab
In before more gear enhancements are available for style tab. RIP.
Yes. Still no friend. If the squires count I guess I have 6 then.
some of us are lazy.
Also, Sai- I'm interested to know if that works as well- lmk when you do it =D
It's probably doubtful that you could make two bracelets stack with two separate people simultaneously, but it might stack with a different wrist item....I'd be interested in that, too.
I did a bit of testing, enchants DO NOT work in the style tab, even though the passive does. I think if you had one bracelet equipped, and one in style tab it would stack.
They are dyeable.
Oh wow I actually hope that works. I could put it on William for an even greater speed boost. :O
Be careful with that. Partner equipment can't be repaired unless unlocked with a partner trade unlock potion.