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Closed how do i beat g19 realization ? please help!!!!!!!
i really was enjoying mabinogi until i stumbled upon this quest,
my total level is lv 53 and i've used all the money i have on hp potions,i have no access to heal wound potions,and is this really even possible for me to beat? (im genuinely asking)
whenever i die,even though i have my 3 daily nao soul stones,it doesn't let me use them and automatically fails the mission,and i watched videos on youtube of the fight,and it looks so ridiculously hard that i dont understand why anyone ever thought this was a good idea? ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚how do i beat it? it seems literally impossible to,even if i did have the funds and access to heal wound potions. ive been making sure i focus solely on my generation quests purposefully to avoid these problems so i don't get too high of a level and it becomes impossible to defeat generations missions,please help me i'm suffering ಥ_ಥ
please,mabi,have mercy on my poor noob soul,,
update: a very kind higher ranked player stocked me up on all the types of potions i'll need,so i'm good with potions now
How are you automatically failing?
Are you not using Shield of Trust when the Girgashiy uses its Mineral Hail attack?
There's a point in the battle where the NPCs will go "It's using a big attack!" or something and you're supposed to use Mineral Shield to block it.
Do that and it activates a cutscene and starts the rest of the battle.
After you do that, even if you die and stay dead, the NPCs helping you should be strong enough to finish off the Girgashiy.
I've never heard of the mission automatically failing, but then again I haven't missed using Shield of Trust on the initial Mineral Hail attack.
i am currently very invested in the storyline of this generation already so i am very determined to play through it as soon as i can and preferably before i reach lv 100 (when the difficulty of it changes),but i will keep this in mind and take it into consideration!
oh! that does make sense about the spicing things up,however,does this mean there are parts of g19 that you are able to bring people along? so far i have solo'd all of my g19 quests,and thought they were all solo
Die. Yes. Die the moment you get in, and the npcs will lower the girg's hp to I think 30%? When you see your "soul" start getting sucked out, You must have a player outside with an advanced feather to revive you. If you own a pet (which you should have 3 at least) use one of them to beat up the girg to stop the "souls" from getting to him. All you do is beat up your "soul" to keep it from going to him (cause I think it restores his hp?) and let the npcs finish killing him. At this point in time, he'll start to use poison and potions will come in handy for this, and I don't recall him ever going to attack you directly anymore (been a while since I last done this myself.) As long as you're occupied with the 'soul', the npcs will handle the rest.
Not sure if this is outdated info or if I'm forgetting something but its what I figured out /shrug xD
i beat g19 already with all the help i received,but thank you very much for being kind and offering advice!