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what would have made mmo junkie crossover better

Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
Posts: 419
in General Chat
you know what would have made mmo junkie collaboration a bit better
that is if we had a ladder to a branch prop
watching the anime made me notice that many scenes
involved talking while sitting on top of a branch with a ladder attached to it
it would be nice if mabinogi gave us a prop that we could attach to trees
that are big/tall enough for the prop to be attached
the prop would be a ladder and when it is used on a tree the tree will grow an extra branch to sit on
and that each tree can only have 1 or 2 prop attached to it
trees like the one in spiral hill or pine trees at tailltean
at the same time aggro of enemies disappears when on top of the tree like crisis escape
  1. do you think the same way42 votes
    1. yeah
       29% (12 votes)
    2. no
       19% (8 votes)
    3. not interested
       14% (6 votes)
    4. got other ideas
       17% (7 votes)
    5. we already have those at homestead
       21% (9 votes)


  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Another fancy "chair" like the Eweca crescent moon, or the Ladeca crescent moon, or the Treehouse thing?

    Sure, those are really cute things for homesteads.
  • HazurahHazurah
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,570
    Posts: 444
    the one from Saga 2 intro, or something?

    if you think about it, most trees at Uladh are surprisingly small
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited November 18, 2017
    noobodyzxz wrote: »
    at the same time aggro of enemies disappears when on top of the tree like crisis escape

    What? This sounds ridiculous and game breaking.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    An actual event, with creative thought and effort put into it.
    [Deleted User]Hazurah
  • VaughanVaughan
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,015
    Posts: 34
    An actual event, with creative thought and effort put into it.

    There's no actual event because there's nothing else to make an event of.

    A hot time homestead ladder w/tree would've been cool, tho.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Thanks a lot.
    Last night, there were Tree Branches in my dream. Not even joking.
    I coulda got away from the Minecraft monsters that way but I couldn't get up there.
    I wish I was kidding, my dreams are bizarre.
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    What would make it better?

    At this point anything.

    It has so little presence that if the gacha wasn't around, I wouldn't even remember its going on.
  • SiodhanSiodhan
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,825
    Posts: 315
    The funny part is that this is actually kind of fair. If people hadn't pointed out that net juu has a crossover with mabi, I would not even have noticed the subtle references in the anime itself. If I did not know mabinogi at all, I'd just assume it's another knockoff anime-only homage like WcDonalds. I would pay it no heed.

    This event is the same. The crossover's there, but if you weren't told, you probably wouldn't notice.
  • SylviaWolfeSylviaWolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,810
    Posts: 342
    Tbh I wish there was a bit more to the event in terms of what you can earn. I’m fine with the dungeon-spam but once you have a few peas in a pod boxes it’s dull. I wish there were multiple types of drops in different dungeons but I get that as the anime is new there isn’t that much to go off of.
  • GakkuriaquaGakkuriaqua
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,870
    Posts: 268
    maybe more event variety? I remember the SAO event had a couple of events, One fishing one dungeon spamming, I cant recall the others though
    maybe instead of having everything regarding to the crossover be GACHA ONLY HAVE IT AS OUTFIT BOXES / EVENT REWARDS INSTEAD?
  • SylviaWolfeSylviaWolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,810
    Posts: 342
    noobodyzxz wrote: »

    I winced when I saw this in my FB feed. I feel like this would have been more tasteful had some of the outfits been earnable rather than all gacha and fairly rare at that. Ugh.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    noobodyzxz wrote: »

    it would have been awesome to get a hs tree prop like that but it is probably just mabi teasing us. would have been better if they made event quests to earn coins by running dungeons and putting a tree homestead prop, the 2nd titles, homestead figures of characters from the anime, and the peas in a pod box in a coin shop. as a joke Lily could give out quests in Dunbarton and Party Tarlach could be found using a Moriko's PC Desk chair in the Dunbarton magic school with Lily on his monitor.
  • NekoLilyNekoLily
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,735
    Posts: 314
    I would have liked a few things:
    - Tree to hang out with people (either a hs prop or a chair)
    - Alby Spam with, at the Boss Room, the huge golden rat you see in the anime that really is a lot present in there. Almost any dungeon run seen in the anime has that mob to kill. Obviously as a random Boss appearance that granted every player in the dungeon the Peas in the Box (same % but would have all 4 getting the item, or lower chances?)
    - More outfits, from the other characters (at least Kanbe and Lilac) or the human counterparts of the two we got.
    - Special Net-juu no Susume Gacha effect, mimicking the episode centered in opening gachas
    A tree appearing (or have an existing tree solely to open gachas) to give you the item you got from opening one

    - Face/Hair/Eyes Coupons to use to costumize your character, like the ones we got for Miku.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited December 8, 2017
    Nilrem wrote: »
    What would make it better?

    At this point anything.

    It has so little presence that if the gacha wasn't around, I wouldn't even remember its going on.

    It probably would've been smarter to release this collab when the official dub gets announced and sold, or when it's popularity is better established.
    Pretty much what NekoLily says, there's just too little to advertise the anime.
    To Mabinogi vets and casuals alike, it's probably just another Gachapon... of an anime that no one's even heard of.
    (Because it literally just premiered this year.)
    Shopping Bags with a chance at a pet and chair are what sold the Uwat anime, not the gachapons.
    Poor planning, not enough of an event to make an impact, no Nexon NA staff trying to be funny and dub over the JP ad.
    The bracelets are cute, but probably not enough to warrant every Mabi player to login and rush into Alby Int.
    It definitely should've been an event zone with a special dungeon of it's own, with nods to the anime.
    (Maybe make it an escort RP, give rewards based on the role you played and how much HP your allies had left.)
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    edited December 9, 2017
    Give us the mini-game that was suppose to accompany this collab as well from the other region would be a good start. Y remove Xtra content from an already bare-bones collab is beyond me.

  • lceCreamlceCream
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,205
    Posts: 199
    Well just think of it this way
    The event rewards those who run AAHM anyway
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Rhey wrote: »
    Give us the mini-game that was suppose to accompany this collab as well from the other region would be a good start. Y remove Xtra content from an already bare-bones collab is beyond me.
    Have you considered they might not have had permission / proper licensing from the owner of said content? A collaboration doesn't necessarily (or even usually) imply (or include) global or unlimited usage rights. ~ If there's one thing this forum is full of.. it's assumptions.

    ~ Tons and tons of assumptions atop the super-rare occurrence of a fact.

    I bet that would have made the collab better anyway. Even so slightly.

    About anything would have been better at this point.

    This entire collab was just, bad, and little thought of in comparison to the others barebone collabs we've had.

    One item from a normal dungeon, and the usual random lootbox.

    Amazing, isn't it?
  • FinityFinity
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,100
    Posts: 182
    edited December 10, 2017

    Better drop rate....feels like I'm only collecting dust with dungeon event.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Finity wrote: »

    Better drop rate....feels like I'm only collecting dust with dungeon event.
