Hi everyone, like I said in my previous topic (here) I was planning to create a Guild to teach those who are interested in roleplay to how actually roleplay and explain all the details that come along. I am also willing to re-group the most possible role players so we could officially-unofficially create a RP community together. So today, I am bringing to your shiny eyes the result of my non-stop thinking while I was at work.I will present to you the background of the Guild along with it’s name and it’s objectives. Further on, I’ll give a brief explanation of how I intend to proceed this whole teaching business. To end the introduction, my name is Darkwhip and I hope you enjoy reading what follows.
Let's begin with some background and how the guild was created in a role play context and for that we will need to know a bit of who Tazami is and the story around her.
Important update
Important update, the project was merged with Batt's project. so if you are/were interested in my project then you should contact me or Batt
Batt for any questions
I am available during these times:
Timezone: HNE (Canada)
Monday to Thursday: 12 to 15:40
Friday to Sunday: 12 to 6 AM
I have 3 days of week-end since I work 10 hours a day for 4 days.
Below is just some Background stuff about my character and the owl's nest creation
The mysterious red apple-haired woman
Tazami is a young human woman of 24 years old. She has red long hair, yellow eyes and her skin is white. Beyond that, not much is known about Tazami. We know for sure she lives somewhere in Uladh, but where exactly is yet to be discovered. However, we know that Tazami was seen traveling the numerous forests of the continent. She would simply wander in the forests gathering several types of herbs, plants, mushrooms and flowers. Some determined that Tazami was probably an herbalist, though some citizens of Emain Macha are confused. They say having seen her wearing a nun’s outfit with a pendant of Lilymark at her neck while some others from Tara say they witnessed her selling potions at the marketplace. The confusion is only growing about Tazami’s profession, one thing is sure according to those who had the opportunity to discuss with her, they all mention that Tazami had a likeable personality, pretty much like a big sister would have. Apparently she is very caring and nurses unfortunate adventurers who cross her path., yet she wouldn't speak of herself, for some reasons..
Who is she.. ?
The foundation of « The owl’s nest » (ToN)
With her 24 years of life, Tazami was able to observe closely the vicious cycle of adventurers. She knows that new adventurers struggle to keep up with quests since they don’t have much experience and because of that, they often get wounded and without a single gold coin to use for proper healing or meal. While on the other hand, the more fortunates who were born with innate skills, they have a nice living filled with glory and health while they cast shadows on the new ones. Tazami decided to think about this and how to stop this cycle or how to make life better for new adventurers. For a few weeks she reflected, gathered ideas while questioning some adventurers about what kind of things they’d like to see in the future for them as adventurer. There’s one thing that catches her attention, the owls. Normally, citizens of Uladh will always send their requests/quests through owls. It is the regular way to function. The problem is, while yes it functions the thing is the difficulty of a quest isn’t necessarily adapted to the receiver’s skill. This is how it all came up, Tazami decides to create some ranks depending of how skilled is an adventurer. She would use some letters: F E D C B A and numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and some symbols to adjust the rank: + and -. Rank F would act as the lowest rank while 1 would be the highest and both can be adjusted with either + or -. Then Tazami decides to apply this to quests too so this way we can easily give a quest to an adventurer with the proper skill rank. All of that was just on paper but she had a bigger project with this idea.
Tazami decides to form a guild and buy a small residential building that she will personally call a « Quest hall » named « the owl’s nest ». The purpose of this building is to collect all the quests sent by civilians of Uladh so Tazami can assign a rank on each of them and publish them on a billboard where adventurers with the correct rank can apply to accomplish the said quest. She does and the owl’s nest becomes notorious quickly by new adventurers, they would join her guild and the ranking would get started. Adventurers willing to raise their rank would have to accomplish a certain number of quests of the same rank or possess a mention of honor from either a known warrior/knight or nobility. All her letters or quests would be certified with a custom seal she created herself, which is basically a red seal with and owl in it, the thing made of wax.
(You can find the original version
here on google doc)
Glad to see you also enjoy role play
I've always thoroughly loved it. Happy to see others as well
So I guess you've been partially reading all I said. And I don't remember saying that I would teach role play according to my standards, all I said is that I was willing to teach role play with the use of my years of experience and not according to my preferences. And I am fully aware there is more than one way to role play, this is exactly why I didn't limit the teaching to only one kind of role play ( Semi-RP, Serious RP, Hardcore RP are the three kinds of role play I am experienced with ).
So, please. Next time make sure to read my previous topic beforehand. (Which is linked in this very own topic actually)
Sincerely yours,
I did read both your topics. I just feel like having the main goal of the guild being to teach others how to roleplay sounds more like a job than a fun hangout. I'm not sure how many people want to take "lessons" on roleplay, I think people would just want to jump in and start creating stories.
Also, the main point of roleplay is to build a community story with others, not write a story about your own character and try to get others to join in the plot about yourself. You could have presented us with a thoughtful prompt that could apply to all adventurers, but instead you made yourself the center of the show and portrayed yourself as someone who should be considered important by others. For example, you credited your character with inventing the ranking system, and you've jumped ahead of real life by claiming your guild quickly becomes famous before its even actually invented. And then you just keep going on about teaching... what is there to teach? Those roleplay styles you mentioned don't apply any different rules from one another; it's just describing the tone of the guild environment. I'm pretty sure roleplay isn't theory you need to read a few lessons on unless Mabinogi offers an opportunity to earn an online undergraduate English degree for the next event. Roleplay is just a game you learn by playing, and once you know how to play it, that's it.
I know this sounds bad. I'm sorry. I really do appreciate the effort you made by typing so much out, and hope that you may find some clarity through constructive criticism. I just genuinely feel there are better ways to create an rpg guild and to ensure it lasts. The guild won't thrive if its been designed to be totally dependent on you.
So you're wrong again with a few things, while yes the plot here is centered on Tazami, of course, she's the founder of the Guild it's pretty normal for her to be a point of interest at some point. Then yes in the background I've created the guild becomes famous beforehand even before it actually happened in-game, that's what we call fiction. There's a lot to teach just like how I was taught these things while I was yet a teenager discovering role play, there is different kinds of depths in role play and it's great to know them all and be able to exploit them. Though I never mentioned that I'd be teaching every single " tiers" (If I may say so) of role play to each person. No, I planned to teach the one a player would seek to learn. And you seem to forget something important, role play is first of all a hobby and its goal is to have fun like a game. Just like many games, role play has different types of rules depending on the mode you decide to play with. (Does that sound better ?). I mean these "tiers" I am speaking of is something really something commonly seen in the role play context in general, just type on google « Serious RP » or « Semi-RP » you'll find a lot of things.
For example, I used to do serious role play on the game called Project Zomboid on New Dawn server and was Moderator for a couple of time.
(Link here to the website)
Finally, you have forgot one last detail. Did you actually really think I would teach role play all alone ? Are you crazy ? I can't imagine my self teaching to 20 players at once. I expect my self to recruit experienced role players to aid me in this domain, you can be sure of that. So no, you are wrong. I don't intend to make the Guild entirely dependent of me.