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Crystal Deer is back! >:D
Because I love you all.
more elf soloing phantasm
i'm not even surprised at this point
I see, ya i was one of those that wanted the crow back, as for the Hide ability, that sounds very useful
What exactly makes the crystal deer's hide skill so useful?
Phantasm cheeze.
Because the hide of the deer does not share the CD/status of the Elf's Hide.
Which means an elf can use Deer Hide while mounting the Deer.
And Elves have mounted archery.
Go into hide, Fire Magnum, go back into hide, rinse repeat.
Toss in other skills as needed between hide.
Never face challenge again.
Hrm.. could it also be used like.. when I do a meteor drop in Shyllien, can I get on the mount, use hide, and collect loot without getting aggro from the respawning mobs?
Unfortunately you can't pick stuff up during Crystal Deer hide and the deer is slowed to walking during hide. It does still let you get all the way up to the Sasquatch pile though. I like to use it for Shyllien if I spot that an enchant scroll dropped. Can normally pick up one or two things before heavy damage/death
Another good use for the deer hide is that it lets you walk up all the way to the Arc Lich which gives you a bit of time to sketch him.
Phantasm cheese basically. Make sure you buy at least 2-3 of them.
I wish I had the NX to buy 2-3 of them.
I'm not surprised though.
I did buy a friend a crow and myself a rainbow sprite.
well not sure about the crystal deer stats being worth the potion but ice dragon is mostly useful as a quick way to freeze most enemies even some that ice spear can't freeze like zombies for example. combine a ice dragon freeze and use a nimbus to give them sleep status right around the time the freeze effect wears off and Sakura Abyss can be almost fully charged. might be worth seeing if the potion would be good for the rainbow sprite since they can fuse to you and increase defense and protection.
Would be cool if someone already used 200lvl on those and show us the stats....
These are the stats of a Lv200 Age 1 Rainbow Sprite without Divine Link.
With rank 1 Divine Link.
There are pets with better stats, and actual mounts, but it's still kinda fun to run around wearing your sprite while linked.
Let a whole bunch of enemies aggro you and you'll ping the day away.
Can't use Crisis Escape while united, though, but eh.