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Thier hit-boxes are the most suspect 2 displacement bug when knocked back. They also have N's with lance reach w/o the penalty. Alby Phantasm will be 10x moar rekt-fest than Rabbie phantasm with just these baddies alone. W/e that comes out.
Alby Phantasm/Abyss would be a boss room sized spider with separate HP bars for every individual leg that you need to kill before being able to attack the actual, main HP bar for 30 seconds before all of the legs revive again.
And every leg can snap cast INT magic.
And the main body does room size attacks even when you can't attack it.
Oh, and those giant spiders we have now?
Those are just the minions. Only the ones in this fight also have Snap Cast INT Magic and 100% poison chance on normal hits.
Might as well give the spiders before the boss INT magic too.
Because thats what the devs think difficulty is.
They betta not...
Dn't fogot they all have adv heavy standers as well.
Smaller spider obvsly. U can manage em. Have U seen da Giant sulfur spider in Provo? Dat beast's wm can hit like half of the arena spikes(Dat AOE is Huuuuge). I'm sure Provo's Lord or abyss equivalent Giant Sspider wm can crit all 2k+1.5k of my hp/mp pool in one go. It'll put a Giant's Dan 3 WM 2 shame. W/e we get that update.
SS spawns like 20 medium spiders or something?
Since they have normal hitboxes I can just resort 2 da summonzer talent 4 mob cntrl. Doesn't work with dem janky Giant spideys. Even my cloudz misses the sleep clause on giant spideyz sumtimes...when I'd summoned rite in front of it too.
I'll just dance them away. No issues.
Dance doesn't register the Giant spidey's hitboxes sumtimes. I was raped by the Giant Spideys in AAHM cuz they N's spam me to death since DoD gives adv HS and I wasn't hitting em at all while breakdancing rite between it's legs.
Had 2 cancel the show b4 it even started.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwww where's the Raid when you need it?
If I saw that I'm using
I think you mean Exterminator talent. You're gonna need a whole lot more than bug spray...