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Hi! I'm Peachy, welcome to my shop! ☆
Facebook Page ☆
Instagram ☆ PeachyOpal#8682 on Discord ☆
☆ Sketch ☆
1.75 m Gold | 3K NX

☆ Chibi ☆
3.5 m Gold | 8k NX
☆ Finished Comissions ☆
☆ R U L E S ☆
☆ I do take GOLD TRANSFERS. You can check the thread of the service here
☆ I can draw whatever character you want, it doesn't have to be your character from Mabi!
☆ I will NOT draw Animals or NSFW. Furries are okay. I also havent ever drawn a robot in my life.
☆ I'll draw a max of two characters per drawing, but it will cost extra.
☆ Once i get your order and payment, i will show you a rough sketch of the comission and once you are happy with how it looks, i'll draw the rest.
☆ I usually only draw on weekends, so please bear with me!
☆ If your chara is wearing an armor or wings i will charge 100k gold extra from the original price.
☆ I DO TAKE TRADES! You can find what I'm looking for in this thread .
☆ My IGN is Anitacristi from the Mari server, so feel free to add me/note me if you have any questions! You can also easily find/message me on Facebook since i'm there pretty much all the time.
☆ If the slots are full but you still wish to place an order please comment and you will be added to the waitlist. All people on the waitlist will be notified via PM when there is a clear spot, so whoever comments first will get the spot!
If you are interested, please comment with the following:
Your In Game Name:
Style you'd like:
A pose/emotion/short character's personality description (Optional) :
☆ Faiflowright - Chibis (2 charas)
☆ Molestia - Sketch (2 charas)
☆ MediaKlepto - Sketch (2 charas)
☆ Sora - 2 Sketches (1 chara)
Check my other shop in the forums!
Do you have any examples of furries?
How much extra would another character be?
And is it alright if I order two pictures at the same time (one will probably be a couple sketch, the other will probably be a couple chibi)? c:
Hi! ❤
Unfortunately atm I only have this example of furries https://sta.sh/025886cfnc0l it is a bit old and not in any of the styles im offering :c but I'm okay with drawing them!
Also, another character would be +900k in a Sketch and +1.8m in a Chibi.
And sure, you can order both!
Awesome! I will go ahead and order both then. I hope its okay that Rayne in particular has more of a snout. You're free to simplify the snouts on the chibis though, if you'd like.
Your In Game Name: Faiflowright (Mari), Nyaa (Alexina) - I will be paying with Mari gold, but if you need to contact me in-game, I am often on Alexina.
Style you'd like: Sketch Couple (two characters in one drawing)
References: Rayne in her hoodie, please
Vorst (He has 4 blue stripes on each horn, and his eyes do not move or change shapes. He is 7'5" tall.)
Fullbody and height reference
Face from the side
In this jacket (scroll for more images), please. Feel free to simplify the logos if you'd like, if they'd be included. The hood detaches so you can draw it with out without it, but if its on I'd prefer it down.
Preferred Shirt (if you draw the jacket unzipped)
A pose/emotion/short character's personality description (Optional) : For a pose suggestion, it'd be great if you could maybe draw Rayne with a bag of Doritos, happily feeding them to Vorst as Vorst sticks his tongue out, grabbing the chip? Haha I'm getting my friend who owns Vorst that jacket for Christmas. Vorst is chilled and laidback, but can be a bit snarky and sarcastic. Rayne is playful and easily excitable. They're very close friends.
Style you'd like: Chibi Couple (two characters in one drawing)
References: Rayne in this outfit, please. The hat can be behind her ears a bit or fully ontop of one ear, haha. It'd be cute if her piercings were Christmas themed.
Zora in this outfit without the shoes, please. Her hair would have the blue highlights. It'd be cute if her piercings were Christmas themed, or gold/silver.
A pose/emotion/short character's personality description (Optional) : It'd be great to see Rayne handing Zora a gift, with the lid a bit open or already off, and a snake coming out of it as Zora is already playing with it haha. Or anything Christmas themed, really! Zora could be baking Christmas treats for Rayne, or they could be baking together (Rayne's wouldn't turn out as nice haha). Zora is a sassy tomboy thats playful and loves snakes and lizards, and Rayne is playful and easily excitable. They're very close friends.
WIPS would be lovely. Please let me know if you have any questions at all or if I missed anything! I'm sorry for the huge post xD Thank you!
If you'd like, please send first the payment for the Sketch (2.65 m) and when I'm done with it, the payment for the chibis (5.3 m). I'll send you a junk item ❤
Your In Game Name: Alisandrea (Mari)
Style you'd like: Sketch
References: https://imgur.com/a/iFDM2
A pose/emotion/short character's personality description (Optional) : She's a lot more menacing than she seems, if that gives you any ideas. xD She has an affinity for pumpkins of all things, and usually wears a riding hood (like the fairy tale). I really just like to see artists' interpretations of my characters, so...Go nuts, really!
Feel free to PM me on the forums or note me in-game if you need anything or have any questions!
omg hi! Of course you can order! I'll send you a junk item for your payment when i log in. Please take into consideration i have 2 drawings before yours
Let me know if this pose is okay!
Let me know if this is okay !
Haaaaaah, that looks perfect. x'D I can't wait to see how it turns out!
Hope you like it
Tysm for buying, i hope you like it
Ahhhhh!! I love it so much! xD She looks perfect! Thank you sooo much!
I might actually swing back tomorrow with another order, ahahaha...It's just a little too late right now for me to put the form together coherently. xP
So glad you liked it! ❤❤❤ And sure take your time!! ❤