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Just means you'll get to finish this part of the pre-update event.
It mainly matters what that last box's non-guaranteed prize is.
But it's still neat.
That's a weirdly-worded prize, though.
"1 The Last Gift Box (Received in advance)"
I wonder what the best prize from The Last Gift Box is.
Maybe the coupon for the Celtic chain blade, but then it wouldn't get the crafting boost.
Prot stone?
Lucky stone?
Prolly the celtic chainbladez. Or pet rebirth pot if I had a choice.
Do you ever post anything that isn't negative? The way the box works is complicated for no reason at all, I've had to explain it to several people as well.
Stop targeting me okay? I'm not talking with you. Have a good day.
You're implying anyone who didn't understand it is dumb or at the least not as smart as you. I didn't get it at first either, so you kinda are talking to me or addressing me in some form.
What...? The *******??? Never mind, i can't take this level of assuming.
I don't think they mentioned it.
They won't have crafting bonuses or be pre-enchanted.
Some of the possible prizes are coupons that give one of the chain blade enchants though.
No commas for you.
I just really wanted the Celtic chainblade cause it looks super cool. I've been stocking up on Ruptured Black Metals ever since it was announced in KR. I've scrounged up 32 of them with every last penny I have but I've been told that that's still not enough
The coupon is my last and only hope.
The manual is a base completion % of 13% per attempt.
At 3 Ruptured Black Metals per craft, you should have enough.
Especially, if it's crafted in a full party of Rank 3+ Blacksmiths under a thunderstorm.
If you're reasonably lucky, you'd get by with ~18 of them.
Just have to get the new materials after the update, and the Incomplete Seal Emblems for part of the finishing materials if you haven't already.
I don't think that is what Greta is saying, since the important part was "explaining several times", inferring that Greta was explaining it to one person three times. There is a stark difference in the wording of a bad statement whose author is not there to clarify, then the various ways one can communicate what to do in real time. It is also natural to express frustration when effort is repeated to no avail.
There is no implication of stupidity that is applicable to those such as yourself from what I can tell.
well, as i expected
some 2x combat exp junk
a 2x skill training pot
and a fine reforging tool
I delight in Greta's cynicism and sharp tongue (it's often refreshing) but I can see where it comes off as rude to some on occasion (wording and context are issues here). No one was named as being the person who took "3 TIMES" to get it, and yes it can be a bother to re-explain, but I'd argue this concept can be confusing to some folks, or at least we shouldn't dismiss people for not grasping it. I had to replay the announcement stream in order to figure it out myself. The "targeting" and "implying" are taking it a bit far.
My nephew wasn't able to log in on Saturday, so he didn't even get a box since we both glossed over the "can only upgrade until Monday" which makes getting a box after that point entirely pointless.