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Thank you for the beautiful sketch, I love it :'D
That outfit with that expression .... perfect
Thanks so much for drawing him. you're the best
It looks really good! Thank you so much for drawing her!
The images below are him in battle attire, but he often relaxes in trunks or takes off the breastplate and wing adornments to train. (Favorite combat style is hand-to-hand fighter)
Anything you want to tweak is fine!
Thanks in advance if you choose him!
She looks so cute!! *^* You did an amazing job portraiting her as in the description!! I LOVE IT!! ♥ It's really beautiful! Thank you a bunch again for drawing her!! ♥
If you are still taking references, I'd like to drop mine in case you feel like drawing him.
Thank you tho
I'm Extremely Crazy and Happy
Here are my refs if you feel like drawing my character:
she's pretty quiet when you first meet her, but opens up once you get to know her. She likes transcribing and playing music, as well as sitting around and chilling, but when she fights, she's pretty strong! ^^
All I have is a character sheet reference but I hope you will still consider giving my character a bit of your magic.
She is a strong girl, can be a bit tough from first glance but she really is kind once she gets to know you. She loves magic and enjoys company of others, but loves most of all reading a good book.
Once again, thank you very much.
Oh my goodness, he looks perfect. xD Thank you so much!!
here's mine if you're still going~