Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited December 13, 2017
    That new character on the right is wearing the Arthurian seal. I'm guessing they've filled their third slot. XD

    they also have ridiculously long guns >_>; it's like gun Sephiroth
  • Pip-BoyPip-Boy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,760
    Posts: 127
    Leinei wrote: »
    Arjune wrote: »
    Why do Altam and Talvish look so Evil? Hrrmm... that might be a bad sign

    If Talvish goes Dark Side, I had a feeling. He seemed way too keen on getting on your good side. =3

    I'll be a little disappointed if that's the case. Spoilery things below
    A couple of NPCs kept making references on how Talvish was untrustworthy, to the point where I was reasonably surprised that he didn't betray us for any reason.
    He was even willing to try and help Pihne recover, even though it was kind of implied that the knights "ought" to destroy her once she had become an Apostle. I suppose there could still be a chance that he was the one giving info to the Apostles (the Apostles DID seem to know exactly what was happening at any given time hmm). But I thought it was genuinely refreshing to have it fed to us that "this guy is going to betray you" only for him NOT to. It broke the cliche, so to speak, and I kind of appreciated that. Yeah, he's kind of slippery in a manipulative sort of way, but not every character who is manipulative has to necessarily do so for awful purposes in every story.
    I suspect the trailer is a form of misdirection. Even if he will obviously betray us the reason why is still up in the air. He's just as likely to be playing the prophets as he is the knights. I suspect that he might have something to do with the being that possessed Tarlach or may even be possessed by that same being. The latter scenario would explain how he's been able to infiltrate the knight's ranks.
  • HazurahHazurah
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,570
    Posts: 444
    that moment when you see all mabi trailer now is 10 times better than the game itself

    i even guessing they use different engine
  • Terror1976Terror1976
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 29
    edited December 13, 2017
    G21 is now live in KR and yes the new area is what we call TORY RAVINE !! These even 2 new moon gate added .
  • Terror1976Terror1976
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 29
    just found a 3rd gate !
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Stolias wrote: »
    It has Begun!

    That new character on the right is wearing the Arthurian seal. I'm guessing they've filled their third slot. XD

    The new guy on the right looks like a new husbando material! :o
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    It's the new Arthuan member Altam said they were going to get, back during G20!

    Now that's another thing I'm looking forward to!
  • pawcalypsepawcalypse
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,705
    Posts: 498
    Greta wrote: »
    Stolias wrote: »
    It has Begun!

    That new character on the right is wearing the Arthurian seal. I'm guessing they've filled their third slot. XD

    The new guy on the right looks like a new husbando material! :o

    This makes me want to make/get Caswyn's Armor Set even more.
  • WolfandWolfWolfandWolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 786
    Pip-Boy wrote: »
    Leinei wrote: »
    Arjune wrote: »
    Why do Altam and Talvish look so Evil? Hrrmm... that might be a bad sign

    If Talvish goes Dark Side, I had a feeling. He seemed way too keen on getting on your good side. =3

    I'll be a little disappointed if that's the case. Spoilery things below
    A couple of NPCs kept making references on how Talvish was untrustworthy, to the point where I was reasonably surprised that he didn't betray us for any reason.
    He was even willing to try and help Pihne recover, even though it was kind of implied that the knights "ought" to destroy her once she had become an Apostle. I suppose there could still be a chance that he was the one giving info to the Apostles (the Apostles DID seem to know exactly what was happening at any given time hmm). But I thought it was genuinely refreshing to have it fed to us that "this guy is going to betray you" only for him NOT to. It broke the cliche, so to speak, and I kind of appreciated that. Yeah, he's kind of slippery in a manipulative sort of way, but not every character who is manipulative has to necessarily do so for awful purposes in every story.
    I suspect the trailer is a form of misdirection. Even if he will obviously betray us the reason why is still up in the air. He's just as likely to be playing the prophets as he is the knights. I suspect that he might have something to do with the being that possessed Tarlach or may even be possessed by that same being. The latter scenario would explain how he's been able to infiltrate the knight's ranks.
    I hope that's the case. I think it would make the story far more exciting than to just mindlessly "Oh he'll betray you" "Oh look, he betrayed you. Much surprise"
    And that's true; even if it does turn out that he's been giving info to the Apostles, that doesn't mean he's on their side or that he doesn't have an ulterior motive for it.

    Oooh. When you mentioned Tarlach, I just remembered back to the April Fool's event, where Talvish was, at one point, wearing the same clothes as Awakened Tarlach (the white) and how he was saying "Does this bring up bad memories?" (or something; I can't remember the exact quote). I know April Fool's is kind of AU and outside of 'canon', but it might still contain a few hints of what was to come...Talvish totally could be going in the same route as Tarlach did...

    Arjune wrote: »
    That new character on the right is wearing the Arthurian seal. I'm guessing they've filled their third slot. XD

    they also have ridiculously long guns >_>; it's like gun Sephiroth

    OMG you're right XD It's so long that, at first glance, I thought that was a CANE (like a walking cane). WHY XDDD (guns just keep getting longer and longer don't they?)
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Terror1976 wrote: »
    G21 is now live in KR and yes the new area is what we call TORY RAVINE !! These even 2 new moon gate added .

    I T S
    H A P P E N I N G
  • 3rdy3rdy
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,705
    Posts: 187
    so the new guy uses guns hu?

    was hoping he would use alchemy or puppetry but ow well :(
  • VaughanVaughan
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,015
    Posts: 34
    I thought the new member was a girl because of the high heel greaves like Pihne and Avelin. :#

    Nice design, regardless.
  • WolfandWolfWolfandWolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 786
    edited December 14, 2017
    Vaughan wrote: »
    I thought the new member was a girl because of the high heel greaves like Pihne and Avelin. :#

    Nice design, regardless.

    I thought the NPC was too at first, and if that's the case I desperately want her armor. It looks absolutely cool and doesn't have those silly...chest plates. ^ ^

    EDIT: Ah...but as everyone says it seems like a boy, maybe not? ^ ^;; I don't know :(
  • MeridisMeridis
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,010
    Posts: 51
    anyone know what exactly erg weapons are or what the new transformation is yet? There's already whole playthroughs on youtube but each is a couple hours sooo...yeah, rather try asking first.
  • Pip-BoyPip-Boy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,760
    Posts: 127
    Meridis wrote: »
    anyone know what exactly erg weapons are or what the new transformation is yet? There's already whole playthroughs on youtube but each is a couple hours sooo...yeah, rather try asking first.

    I skimmed through them. Didn't seem to cover either erg weapons or the transformation.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    That apostle with the halo and pointy legs...
    Kinda reminds me of a Nobody from the Kingdom Hearts series.
  • TheOneHawkTheOneHawk
    Mabinogi Rep: 775
    Posts: 10
    Meridis wrote: »
    anyone know what exactly erg weapons are or what the new transformation is yet? There's already whole playthroughs on youtube but each is a couple hours sooo...yeah, rather try asking first.

    My ability to translate Korean is a bit shoddy so not all of this may be 100% correct, but it seems pretty decent for now; however, don't take the specifics here as gospel, just the general idea.

    Erg Weapon Enhancement(it's not a weapon) is a system where you can upgrade weapons by stuffing other weapons into it. Kind of like ego weapons, weapons give EXP and there's a level cap that can be increased by using materials you get from the new Avalon Field Raid and other things, like weapons and common materials. Using the same kind of weapon to upgrade your weapon(like a Dowra SE to a Dowra SE) allows you to gain special additional effects that range from skill CD reduction, increased damage on specific skills, increased ranged attack speed, and increased defensive stats to name a few, each weapon category has different effects(up to 3, but some weapon types like wands and atlatls don't have any at all). From what I can gather each level to your basic effect will give you +1 min/max attack or the corresponding damage type like Magic Attack and Alchemy damage and the current cap seems to be level 20(they will probably uncap it in the upcoming G21 updates). I can't get information on the numerical values of the additional effects however, couldn't find any. Somebody with access to the Korean server will be better suited for getting that information, and probably can correct my little shaky understanding of the system.

    General gist: Use weapons to upgrade your weapons even further and gain special effects and more damage.

    On the second part, the transformation isn't out yet. The update that just came out is called Part 1: "Path of the Guardian" there's still 2 more parts that are going to come out in the coming months. The transformation is going to be in Chapter 3. The transformation from the little information we have(for fear of spoilers) is that it is supposed to make you feel powerful and look cool. Not much too go on. The story however does and has been setting up the transformation since G19, possibly even Saga II.

  • TheOneHawkTheOneHawk
    Mabinogi Rep: 775
    Posts: 10
    Meridis wrote: »
    anyone know what exactly erg weapons are or what the new transformation is yet? There's already whole playthroughs on youtube but each is a couple hours sooo...yeah, rather try asking first.

    My ability to translate Korean is a bit shoddy so not all of this may be 100% correct, but it seems pretty decent for now; however, don't take the specifics here as gospel, just the general idea.

    Erg Weapon Enhancement(it's not a weapon) is a system where you can upgrade weapons by stuffing other weapons into it. Kind of like ego weapons, weapons give EXP and there's a level cap that can be increased by using materials you get from the new Avalon Field Raid and other things, like weapons and common materials. Using the same kind of weapon to upgrade your weapon(like a Dowra SE to a Dowra SE) allows you to gain special additional effects that range from skill CD reduction, increased damage on specific skills, increased ranged attack speed, and increased defensive stats to name a few, each weapon category has different effects(up to 3, but some weapon types like wands and atlatls don't have any at all). From what I can gather each level to your basic effect will give you +1 min/max attack or the corresponding damage type like Magic Attack and Alchemy damage and the current cap seems to be level 20(they will probably uncap it in the upcoming G21 updates). I can't get information on the numerical values of the additional effects however, couldn't find any. Somebody with access to the Korean server will be better suited for getting that information, and probably can correct my little shaky understanding of the system.

    General gist: Use weapons to upgrade your weapons even further and gain special effects and more damage.

    On the second part, the transformation isn't out yet. The update that just came out is called Part 1: "Path of the Guardian" there's still 2 more parts that are going to come out in the coming months. The transformation is going to be in Chapter 3. The transformation from the little information we have(for fear of spoilers) is that it is supposed to make you feel powerful and look cool. Not much too go on.