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How do you get star pieces for the Sky Shop?
title says it.
I bought a X Mas fooled-you-pon and all I got was some shadow mission crystals, imp letters, and a pair of wings. No star pieces
I want to see how much the 10x17 bag would cost before throwing away lots of money.
They meant other than current gacha, there'll be pet gacha/packages and another gacha (chainslash) that give you Star Pieces. Pet one doesn't really give you much as gacha though.
pet gacha? do you happen to have any clue what type of pets will be in it and how much less stars are we talking about?
i suualy dislike to gacha because it feels like a regretfull waste of money, but pet gachas atleast guarantee a pet so im more fine with doing them.
I saw Pet Package with Star Mark on it so we'll probably get soon.
Reindeer Star Box (10)
Christmas Alpaca Star Box (15)
Gingerbread Truck Star Box (30)
Alto Star Box (40)
Reindeer Star Package (40)
Christmas Alpaca Star Package (45)
Gingerbread Truck Star Package (60)
Alto Star Package (65)
Christmas Pet Supplies Star Package (35)
Entire Chorus of Christmas Pets Star Package (115)
Package includes Pet Adoption Medal, Pet Exp Pot, Pet Rebirth Pot, Glimmering Golden Supplement
Notice the floating and prompt menu on the forum about NX Blowout Deals - in the bottom right corner...
I have no idea what point you're trying to make. The NX Blowout Deal is completely unrelated to Sky's shop.
o.o how do u know what will be in future? u have time machine?
hoping to have 5-6 of em. yes, no.... i dont think so. not a big whale for u to milk
Things are usually not related to anything as a standalone.
It's the context and timing which reveals the final outcome.
I think the main reason is that the gachapon star system was directly transferred over from KR, despite the wishbones for perm tails fiasco, that went horribly wrong.
People were posting on the forums that even if you completed the event, you would still have to spend $100+ to get a tail from the event shop, even for a RNG one.
Unfortunately, all effort the community made to make an uproar was never transferred over from NA CM to KR CM.
Thus, the whale money sink continues...much to our dismay and ever shrinking wallets.
I couldn't find the KR Christmas Box, but I found a more recent gachapon release and event.
I shared many of the same complaints during the wishbone event, with suggestions for a fixed reward via currency not unlike wishbones or stars that did not dissipate when the sale ends, if but has revolving merchandise.
That being said, the axiom "Criticism is meaningless from those who offer nothing negativity" is a pretty apt saying if you ask me. It goes double for those who cannot even put out a suggestion. People who cannot bother to acknowledge progress are often so fixed on an issue that their perspective is skewed to one particular factor. I find it to be quite annoying, in regards to the posts I believe to have read from the OP.
The comparison between The Wishbone Event and Shy's Star Shop aren't even accurate, which I decry in the "Event Is Dead" comment. The wishbone event was partially pushed as an event, but an extremely difficult, RNG dependent, tedious one that reeked of being essentially a giant cash grab. Advertising what is mostly a sale as an event is understandably rage inducing. For Sky's Starshop, I never felt I was sold the feeling that this was a thinly veiled event but more akin to the Bingo Gachapon with less RNG. Not to mention we have actual events running. (Granted, booster events, but with an actual game update, I cannot complain.)
In my opinion, having guaranteed prizes per tier is something I'd like to see, alongside currency that never disappears but carries over, and reasonable pricing in terms of the number bought versus currency deal.