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Is there any viable reason to still Elf Melee?
Is there any viable reason for any Elves to do Melee with a STR type combat weapon?
Or has Chain Blade replaced it?
Soluna blade is still best melee for elf
Interesting thanks. Do you know what the best ego melee weapon is for elf?
I'm debating between Bow & Melee or Bow & Chain Blade-- I'm bored of magic
Chain blade may seem like it's range because of the attack distance, but it is more of a melee talent. Why do I say this? Because every currently available offensive skill aside from Spinning Slasher and Chain Sweep can be countered.
bow and chain blade is better but you have to grind the dex with all those life skills
if you have decent dex go for chain blade
The single target options might feel a little slower if you're used to the speed of pulling off Bashes because you're limited to Chain Imaple and Chain Crush which have longer animations/delay between spam, but the Area damage is definitely better than Str-Melee options. These skill damage % multipliers are really large, compared to many other skills.
Might want to choose a different weapon if you end up using Judgment Blade for something, since Chain Blade Mastery incurs a -20% penalty to that when equipped with a Chain Blade.
At least with the next update, Chain Blades will get Chain Burst, which makes all Chain Blade skills deal extra damage for the duration.
I mean, you can still use Rage Impact with that for even more damage, but Chain Burst does last for the whole duration, and not just one hit.
Correct. For me I realised it did melee damage the moment I saw it hurting zombies. If it was ranged damage it would have pinged their lv3 natural shield and I would have gotten some very easy training done. >>
I do like that it's a dex-based melee talent though.