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I like one done with my main Zwei
Posing wise his sword over his shoulder giving a relax grin on his look.
Goodness you did amazingly with him and his expression is perfect! Thank you so much for investing your time and talents!
OMG its perfect
he is wanting somewhat of a mysterious pose if you could do that.
She can be very smug and mischievous
she's the quiet type, maybe a tiiiny bit pouty under all that silence
Okachi Ref
she has a teal fox tail same color as her hair. I don't have a ref on me though ;-;
She's a happy pup mostly smiling with a grin. Can be slightly sassy and tough on the outside, but get's flustered easily.
Here you go, hope you enjoy!
I'm...impressed with your artwork, to say the least, so I think I'll give you a challenging character out of due respect:
Personality: flirty with close acquaintances but aloof with strangers; domineering, confident, and shameless (no, really?)
I'll understand if you pass it up for...reasons (complexity, wings, 3lewd5u, etc.), but I'd sure like to see you work your magic with her design. ♥
With your backlog, though, you just might never get to it anyway. That's fine too.
...One thing, though, if you do draw her, leave the little cloth wings off the back of the corset, they're kind of...redundant.
Oooh! I love it! She's adorable XD! Thank yoooooohhhh!
Always kind hearted and doing her best to help everyone who needs it! She's beautiful with super long elegant hair and large perky bosoms!
Anyways if you don't consider mine, I still thank you for giving all these beautiful people art work!! It's super awesome of you!!
Her bag is optional if that matters~ Thanks for the opportunity!
Honestly Hee, you should open a shop with these sketches at some point or colored in ones. I for one would pay for such commissions because these are truly amazing. Thank you for sketching Light, you really capture her really well in your sketch ><
You do realize that I'mma have to start following your work because I want to see more
they have various different outfits but usually rocks the Laighlinne Cuirass Garment
Could you make him as muscular as possible? :3c He's beefy
But also cute in his own happy way with a slight feminine look in his eyes :3c