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Dango's Christmas Event ♥ All gifts Posted ♥
Welcome again everyone to Dango's Art Shop!
It's been already a little bit more than 8 months since we decided to open our Art Shop and tbh the support we've received from you all has been more than amazing, we're very very thankful for that, and also knowing that Christmas is around the corner, we've prepared a cute
Christmas Event for you all to thank you for all the love and support we've gotten!!
And ofc, once again, we created a tiny comic to explain you all how this one works! ♥
♥ How to Participate♥
Participating is super easy and everyone can do it!
We only need you to pick one box before Dec 25th and post it in the comments, followed by some references of your character!
And since Christmas is about loving and sharing, you can also post your Christmas wishes for everyone who reads them! Who knows,
maybe they can put a smile on someone's face! (This is optional ofc ♥ )
Note: You can pick a box that's already been picked for sure!!! (Otherwise we'd only have 10 participants for the event, haha but no! everyone can participate!!)
For example:
⍟Gift box Picked: 13! (Ofc this doesn't even exist LOL)
⍟References: http://puu.sh/wZJxv/a12b2628d8.jpg
♥ Dango's Art Shop wishes you all a Merry Christmas and the very best New Year!
Hoping that you all get to spend these holidays with the ones you love the most,
having some fun and incredible moments full of joy and happiness,
and wishing that every single one of your wishes come true!
Thank you a bunch guys, we really appreciate your support a bunch! ♥
♥List of Prizes (7)♥
- Chibi Icon (Avatar/profile picture)
- Chibi Sketch
- Full Chibi Style Drawing
- Anime Style Icon (Avatar/profile picture)
- Anime Style Sketch
- Full Anime Style Drawing
- Random Drawing! (Let's see what does Alof come up with for us!!)
Every prize but the sketches will be coloured!
- We've already picked the winner boxes days ago, so please understand that's it's a matter of luck and only luck to pick a losing box at this point! ;O;
- Remember that there's only 3 empty boxes, so the chances of winning are bigger!! Please don't hate us we love you all!! QQ
- You can only pick one box per person!!
- Any edits on the comments after dec 24th will count as a disqualification ;;! Since the numbers of the winning boxes will be already revealed, No cheating allowed ;O; Let's play fair!
- Considering the amount of entries we get, the waiting time for the prizes might increase, so please be patient to us ;;!!
Feel free to participate! We wish you all the best of Luck!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!! ♥
Winners Results!!
Dango's crew OUT

References: https://puu.sh/yL14A/aff1398d55.png
May your holiday(s) be as perfect as you can imagine.
Reference: https://imgur.com/a/d6ZsI
Wishing everyone a good holiday season
Reference: https://imgur.com/Gg0aEZv
Have a nice holidays.
Gift box picked: 5
Reference: https://puu.sh/yxzkB/91aa931a5d.jpg or https://puu.sh/yLFkr/17dfd91712.jpg
Character: https://i.imgur.com/tQmbdf4.png
Extended references: https://imgur.com/a/wJHCi
Christmas soon, fellow milletians.
Celebrate until you pass out!
Reference: https://imgur.com/a/TPks3 (if I actually pick a box with something in it you guys can pick the outfit as like a little surprise)
Good luck everyone and happy holidays! ♥♥♥
Character : https://i.imgur.com/JHDAZRj.png
Wishing everyone luck on getting a good box~
Refrerence: https://imgur.com/2Gk10OU
I wish you all a super happy holidays and a awesome new year! May the luck be with us!
Reference: http://i.imgur.com/JFnxbMV.jpg
Here's to hoping everyone has a great holiday season!!
⍟References: I'll get back to you on this >.>;;?
A wonderful idea by Alof and Annie. I hope you get lots of support
References: https://puu.sh/yL19f/afdfd0fe60.jpg
Hope yall eat lots and drink lots!
Reference: Zstriker (srry idk how to reference like that)
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
⍟References: https://toyhou.se/1438337.zora-kemonomimi- (my best friend's character)
If you'd like, could you draw her in a keyhole sweater (scroll down for more reference images) please? c: Feel free to draw whatever pants/bottoms you'd like on her, and add a scarf too if you'd like! I feel like it'd make a nice winter outfit for her. Please feel free to have fun with the design of it, and feel free to make her piercings winter-themed if you'd like. If you do draw her in this, the highlights in her hair would be blue (if you happen to color it).
Thank you so much for the opportunity and for holding this event!
References: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385688635959148544/393503712787693568/unknown.png
Happy Holidays! Today is Alban Arthuan too
--Yamanoki (Ruairi)
Gift box # 7 pls
References: https://imgur.com/CVLZdWN
& back https://imgur.com/xMi7xAb
https://imgur.com/xq9XMun (better face version cause idle pls)
Front: https://imgur.com/a/q8Xel
Back: https://imgur.com/a/Ahd7P (hair stays the same as the front)
I hope you all have a merry christmas!