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Leveling Merchant Ratings of Certain Towns

Mabinogi Rep: 510
Posts: 9
in Help
Why is it that for some/most of Dunbarton, Cobh, and Belvast goods are so terrible in profit? I remember being able to trade some goods with a profit, but nowadays I noticed that some goods are perpetually negative income such as safes, skeleton orge armor, Incubus Suits, and Jellyfish just to name a few. Unless I'm missing something or maybe someone is commercing it to negative profits... Leveling these merchant ratings are going to be even more of a grind than I remember.


  • GiegueGiegue
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,975
    Posts: 215
    edited January 16, 2018
    This is due to enchants.

    Players with commerce-related enchanted accessories don't actually see losses in belvast , they're still profitable even with just two enchants, but this causes the items to be driven even further into loss margins for enchantless players as enchanted players buy out all the stock of the expensive items at each outpost when it should be less profitable.
    It's a massive oversight, causing inflation in the commerce outposts.

    The way prices work is, each post as a universal stock count. Let me look at Belvast on Mari.
    There are 30k Iron Whips and 400 Safes in stock, this implies that Safes are being bought much more than Iron whips, however regardless of which is being bought more, each post is programmed to restock the whips more than the safes because they're a cheaper item. This lowers the price of the whips (as they're low in demand, high in stock) and makes the Safes more expensive. (lower stock means higher price, meaning less profit.) The solution is to buy more of the cheaper items from the outpost, so when the items are restocked, there is more space for the expensive items to gain stock and drop in price.

    (Currently for example, an iron whip is 36 ducats out of its 20~60 range, where as a safe is 14743 ducats out of its 11071~15931 range. This indicates Safes are higher in demand. Safes continuing to be bought at rapid rates is directly linked to the Enchants making it profitable to do so. If say, several thousand iron whips were traded, their price would shoot up, but safes would begin to drop in price and restock faster, in theory.)

    However, what I can say with certainty is, Commercing from Cohb, Belvast and Dunbarton with cheap goods is very unprofitable and a big waste of time, so players don't naturally do this which is adding the issue we're seeing now.
    [Deleted User]
  • ChickendChickend
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 9
    Thank you for the well written post, I can see that being a problem. I used to commerce a bunch before these enchants were released. Looks like it is going to be a bumpy ride grinding or not even bothering at all, since I doubt anyone else is trading such cheap goods to even make a huge enough dent in that vast stock.
  • GiegueGiegue
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,975
    Posts: 215
    I actually personally started trading the cheap stock in belvast as much as I could to try and mitigate the problem, gosh does it waste so much time waiting for that boat.
  • ChickendChickend
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 9
    Whenever I make a trip back to Belvast I would carry the cheap goods as well. I actually use the down time to go and some quick reading haha.
  • ChickendChickend
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 9
    edited January 17, 2018
    Putting some more thought into it, even if we were to commerce a bunch of the cheap goods, we still have to meet a quota to ensure we commerce more than what is restocked. With a vast stock of say 30k whips and you can at most carry about ~140 per run, it appears to be a losing battle and hardly profitable. This would deter most players, new and veteran alike. Along with the fact that if we were to somehow bring down the cheap good stocks, the time would be limited before goods i.e. safes, would return back to their pitiful state, as other players would not know this grand scheme and probably continue their usual commercing making this whole project even more so difficult and continue the longevity of this terribly vicious cycle.
    (EDIT: Of course, this is all based upon the theory we may or may not know is true)
  • lceCreamlceCream
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,205
    Posts: 199
    There's also commerce mastery which helps alot
  • ChickendChickend
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 9
    lceCream wrote: »
    There's also commerce mastery which helps alot

    Indeed there is, but I am currently rank 2 commerce mastery, but sadly is not enough to negate those negative profits of certain goods.