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[UPDATED INFO] Winter Fishing Event
If you have rank 1 fishing you can get like 10 glacier smelts an hour.
As compared to a rank novice getting 14 every 2 hours.
probs gonna just AFK the rest of it cus it's really not worth the time invested, but maybe the event title helps this event more than Nishida? 20 more fish and I'll find out
I think the smelt quest resets at 7 but the weekend hot day log in resets at 12, cus i stayed up really late over the weekend and got the 70 bait but not the quest, went to sleep XD
You mean the ones you get for giving Glacier Smelt?
I wouldnt be surprised if the bag isnt tradeable too.
it looks even worst if a player wears a bald wig (sold by Price) while using the rocking horse chair
I can imagine
What titles are you referring to? Also what rod? I only know of the 2nd titles that have anything to do with fishing. The item pole shouldn't count towards getting fish, as it's an item pole. The ice pole just seems to have more durability but nowhere on it does it say if gives you anything extra.