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Bitdefender thinks the mabi patch is a virus
Just tried to play mabi and when the launcher downloads today's patch my Bitdefender goes nuts and won't allow the update to install.
I get this message from BD
Nexon\Library\Mabinogi\appdata\Client.exe.bak is infected with Gen:Variant.Symmi.82863. The virus has been successfully blocked and your PC is now safe. A reboot is required to complete the cleaning process.
Any idea how to work around this issue other than kick Bitdefender to the curb along side Kaspersky?
I blame Bitdefnder. It loves to destroy my computer(s) and give completely different scan results on different computers even though they are running the exact same OS and same software with 1 computer considering it offending software while the other 2 computers say it's completely safe.
Problem is, Bitdefender doesn't give you a Pause" option like some other AV software do. Only way to disable Bitdefender is to uninstall it.
And there is still the problem of Bitdefender erasing the "non-so-offending" file after you reinstall BD.
yeah thats what i'm trying
you're the one who said it was either no virus or nexon putting a virus in intentionally originally lol
wait what? who are you? no random guy says that to me
oh that. you confused me because you said something only people in real life said about me. also i still don't know who you are lol
also if you look at my fb pic it's from 4 years ago i think
that didn't work for me though
When you uninstalled did you completely delete the Mabi folder or were files still left over?
At this point I would try uninstalling Bit Defender, verify the mabi files / install the the patch. If that works reinstall Bitdefender and hope it doesn't delete necessary files.
I hate bitdefender. If Kasperky wasn't KGB spyware I would still be using that.
And yes. Kasperky is KGB spyware because it behaves like spyware with no valid explanation for that weird behavior.
yeah i did
If you knew anything about BitDefender, "Gen:Variant.Symmi.82863" the "Gen" part of that stands for General/Generic, Symmi is internally used by the BD Team for encryption methods that are proprietary to a specific company, in this case, Nexon/Oreans Technology (peeps that developed the Themida encryption algorithm), the 82863 is their generic lookup string for that particular variant within the General/Generic internal listings. It's nothing to worry about on the end user side, though Nexon should give BitDefender a heads up that it's a false positive.