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Chocolate Event - Can't finish in time
Now that I'm stronger and have hydra + dance of death, I guess I can try them to see which is easier.. although my current method is easy anyways.
You aren't doing anything wrong, kitchen dungeon has always been broken.
I don't know, 15 minutes per recipe is pretty long. I do agree that in general, such events shouldn't be "level" restricted to such a point.
I did this and quickly doubled the amount of ingredients I needed D8 Soooo I had to drop the master title ;___;
The dropping of the fondue sticks is literally level-based, since you have to be above total level 100 for them to drop, but that's barely anything.
But you said "level" so were you talking about something else?
This dungeon isn't overly hard.
The food's HP and stuff are total-level-based, too, so someone who's below 1,000 should be facing weaker ingredients than those at higher levels.
The only people who should have any trouble are those who don't know the Kitchen Dungeon's gimmicks.
Or who are trying to do some combat-related event before having a decent foothold in at least one combat method.
Overall its when you have aoe attacks.
Windmill with fondue stick+ chain sweep the ingredients.
No need to use any skill except for hydra,if you dont have hydra just normal hits with stick you can lock hit them by looking knockback gauge everytimes it fall back to half bar hit it until you can oneshot it with 1 smash, and because of weapon range you can hit multi targets close to you in this way
They don't lower the def/protection of the food, or of any other monsters.
They're just normal weapons.
Can't be upgraded, but they're stronger than the versions you find in the event Cooking Dungeon.
They're mostly for show, and they're all the same strength.
Can't be dual-wielded, either.