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DAN's Expensive Art Shop [half ded] PP/GOLD
id like all of them :'>..
i can pay with gold/pp/nx tell me which you prefer!
also feel free to sketch more, again id pay for all of them LOL
these make me so happy im cry ;v;
How many puppers are you looking for LOL;;
as many puppers as you want to draw LOOOL >:3cc
my discord is Aqua#1689 // skype : gakkuriaqua // twitter @ aquuavir
which ever contact method you prefer when you wanna send me pp info or discuss things instead of spamming this thread LOL
v1 v2 edit*v1b v2b I got carried away with lighting effecta
Thank you for waiting!
Let me know if I need to fix anything or add!
Random Player Doodle ;3
You captured his personality and look splendidly and I couldn't be happier!! No changes needed at all! Thank you so much Gah! I'm so delighted with how he turned out ^^ and lol I dig both versions and appreciate you including all of them!