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There's Someone Who's AFK in Every Single Channel

Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
Posts: 1,180
edited February 13, 2018 in General Chat
I'm seeing someone standing near Bangor, on every single channel.


Like. When I switch channel, I see him standing there. On the exact same spot.

I can interact with this species too, like right click.



  • foussiremixfoussiremix
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 88
    His physical body is stuck in an other dimension,that why he materializes in every other channel.
    Deep stuff
    [Deleted User]VimiGretaRadiant DawnSherrinajee508ZeopawcalypseHazurah
  • ValenmirValenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    I had this happen to when i first started the game- i was very confused at first, But when mine happened it was like that for a good few days before it disappeared.
    [Deleted User]
  • ValenmirValenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Tayloreski wrote: »
    I had this happen to when i first started the game- i was very confused at first, But when mine happened it was like that for a good few days before it disappeared.
    I'll assume you didn't log out (close and reopen the client) for a good few days. This ancient-visual-bug shouldn't persist between sessions. The player being seen is only loaded into your memory; hence client-side. ~ On their end.. they have done logged out and back in to the game.

    .. xD no i did- This was 5-6 years ago. It was odd.. Then 2nd time it happen to me was when the GM's got on to give that special bait away about a year?..2 years ago- i seen a few players again like that but it wasnt there the next day. Before when it was a few days, it was three days like that.
    [Deleted User]Paxsekopawcalypse
  • WolfandWolfWolfandWolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 786
    You're haunted.

    I would invest in plenty of salt and call an exorcist.
    [Deleted User]ValenmirGretaRadiant DawnpurpleyZeopawcalypse
  • ValenmirValenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Tayloreski wrote: »
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Tayloreski wrote: »
    I had this happen to when i first started the game- i was very confused at first, But when mine happened it was like that for a good few days before it disappeared.
    I'll assume you didn't log out (close and reopen the client) for a good few days. This ancient-visual-bug shouldn't persist between sessions. The player being seen is only loaded into your memory; hence client-side. ~ On their end.. they have done logged out and back in to the game.

    .. xD no i did- This was 5-6 years ago. It was odd.. Then 2nd time it happen to me was when the GM's got on to give that special bait away about a year?..2 years ago- i seen a few players again like that but it wasnt there the next day. Before when it was a few days, it was three days like that.
    5 years ago, 1 year ago yesterday last month a week ago tomorrow. What you're asserting should not be possible (they can't physically [versus after-effect] be on all channels at once). Technical or otherwise, it doesn't make any sense (unless they were on-purposely stalking you). :|

    That last bit is possible, ive had that happen e_e... But possible or not, it happened. Then again, its high possible as well my game was broken- Reason i say that is because at one point, when i stored something on a pet, they went to change channels, the item disappeared. I at first, thought i just didnt put it on the pet, so i looked all around in all my begs, it was gone, i thought "Ok?.. Maybe it was another pet?" Checked them all it was just flat out gone. Logged off, closed the game, relogged still gone. So then i tried it again with another item on the same pet, it happened again. So I lost a believe it was a tuba and three lyre's(lyre's from testing the bug out).
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Ha, I usually get that to happen with other people's mounts.

    I think it happens when something enters/exits your character draw distance just right.
    Or, I guess, just wrong.

    Something similar can happen to noises, like a pet's boost skill sound effect, if it activates right as the source pet leaves your draw distance.

    Either case, the character/pet model or sound effect just stays there until you close the client.
  • HazurahHazurah
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,570
    Posts: 444
    it happens A LOT with other player pets

    since it is not very disturbing, there goes another thing to add to my "bugs that wont be fixed for years in mabinogi"
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    G-ghost! cvfwqLg.png
    [Deleted User]
  • ShadoeShadoe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,090
    Posts: 241
    It can happen with commerce transports too, where you see a wagon and horses but they aren't really there.
  • PaxsekoPaxseko
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 31
    Tayloreski wrote: »
    [ because at one point, when i stored something on a pet, they went to change channels, the item disappeared. I at first, thought i just didnt put it on the pet, so i looked all around in all my begs, it was gone, i thought "Ok?.. Maybe it was another pet?" Checked them all it was just flat out gone. Logged off, closed the game, relogged still gone. So then i tried it again with another item on the same pet, it happened again. So I lost a believe it was a tuba and three lyre's(lyre's from testing the bug out).

    It seems you are unaware that during that time there might have channel crashing/instability issues in general. This still happens to players (just happened the day before on Tarlach) and items get lost. It's one of the worst things about this kind of game.
  • ValenmirValenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    Paxseko wrote: »
    Tayloreski wrote: »
    [ because at one point, when i stored something on a pet, they went to change channels, the item disappeared. I at first, thought i just didnt put it on the pet, so i looked all around in all my begs, it was gone, i thought "Ok?.. Maybe it was another pet?" Checked them all it was just flat out gone. Logged off, closed the game, relogged still gone. So then i tried it again with another item on the same pet, it happened again. So I lost a believe it was a tuba and three lyre's(lyre's from testing the bug out).

    It seems you are unaware that during that time there might have channel crashing/instability issues in general. This still happens to players (just happened the day before on Tarlach) and items get lost. It's one of the worst things about this kind of game.

    .-. im not unaware.. When all that happen to me, yea that was when i was unaware. But like i said, i was still new to the game, still starting.
  • ZarozianZarozian
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,900
    Posts: 275
    TNinja wrote: »
    I'm seeing someone standing near Bangor, on every single channel.


    Like. When I switch channel, I see him standing there. On the exact same spot.

    I can interact with this species too, like right click.


    Oh that is me.

    I was testing something top secret. = w=
    Nexusz[Deleted User]
  • NexuszNexusz
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,355
    Posts: 28
    LMAO ^
    [Deleted User]