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I don't think anyone wants a special alternative system really. Just, like you said, a rate adjustment. On ruairi there should have been at least one two-tone serene eyes. Instead there's people with tens of millions of gold each wanting to buy the dang thing and no one to sell it to them.
"Entitled and INTOLERANT of other cultures"??? That's basically saying I'm racist dude. Do you even know what you are saying???
Holy hell.
Honestly, the steep decline in the community (for a duration of four years) wavers some real concern over what might happen to Mabinogi,
if Nexon NA doesn't do anything to change up the way items are sold in the Cash Shop.
Obviously people would be outraged that Nexon KR continues to ignore the Pon system, something that works the best for NA, and forcing their cultural sale method on us as the only option. (Gachapons)
Shouldn't assume all players here are american im canadian and i hate all gacha's this one is no different i find it funny how everyone expected it to be different Lol
Yes, indeed... I'm trying to buy one, but one had sold for a/w 20m I think (as the person I noted didn't reply back)
One acquaintance of mine got lucky and was mailed one for 5m while advertising
I actually just got mailed one for 6m after like 4-5 days of advertising qwq So glad I missed that 20m one
Yeah, on Mari. There was a lot of people advertising on first day for 2-5m but gave up, I held on hope