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Next fishing event for Rabbie Phantasm spam~
So is there going to be a fishing event with more RE or SE potions so we can potion spam our way to death in Rabbie phantasm soon and also more Tin potions?

(and also that gacha with the chickie shoes too :O)
But if you don't wanna buy them with Adventurer Seals, then I guess that's out.
Wish we could craft RE and SE potions.
Edit: On a more thread related content.
I've seen some people buying Full Restores. You should look into that. @OP.
"don't get hit"
yeah that better be a joke :P especially for phantasm / alban heroic
Conclusion; Kill before getting killed.
And I don't think H/J/K hotkeys can ever target them, even if they're the only potions in your inventory.
So yeah, I guess if you don't get used to Ctrl-clicking them to manually use them, you'll find them awkward to use.
Options->Game->Controls->Enable Hot-Keys
Oh, I have that on.
HJK works for things like HP100 or MP300 RE and the like.
But even after I took all other potions out of my bags/inventory, HJK would not activate Full Recovery Potions.
That's what I meant by that.
I hate to end a post with "just sayin" but just sayin.