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Your hopes for Mabinogi's 10th anniversary?
What are you personally hoping to see?
Huge events and sales? Any particular pet or item you want to see return to the shop? Teasing the next generation of content? Server merge announcement?
I'd take anything that requires me to play the game. Haven't been logging in as much lately because the events are all awful.
Might not be that since we have Festia permanently... =(
And a new wing gachapon sale.
I'm unhappy with the current events too but maybe they're saving some great ones for the anniversary. No one is playing much right now because everyone is sweeping and fishing.
I'd kinda like the star chip event back, or cat bingo even.
or +10% x 2 for everything for a few weeks/months?
this would also be nice
Oh, and that KR will finally listen to the numbers of how gachapons caused the community spending to go way down.
Of course, no fingers crossed.
- A spammable event like Samhain event.
- Free good 2nd title ala 8th Anniversary Fantasista
For the love of god x3 ap please.
It's been like a year or like two years...
Some spammable event that has new and nice rewards like tribal bird robe would be nice too.
so for the tenth anniversary was hoping for an event that gives a prize to look forward to and work hard for
new outfits are good, new bags we also got many of them from recent events
so I thought maybe its time for mabi to give a partner as a prize from events
since ive never seen that happened before(i think)
since mabinogi is 10 yr old the partner should be a 10 yr old kid
representing 10 yrs of mabinogi
(Huge sarcam of course)
Skills uncap (cooking, mana shield, rest, first aid, and whatever I forgot) and ego revamp (and uncap).
Doki Doki can go to trash bin though. Got plenty of afk events.