I know many people probably know about this already, but I'm super excited and I haven't seen any other forum posts about it yet. Korea has finally uncapped Rest, First Aid, Campfire, and Cooking all to rank 1!
Here's the details: (Translation thanks to Tamaon)
* Cooking Master Title now available.
* Ranking up Cooking will give mana.
* New cooking methods and tools have been added:
Pizza Making, Fermentation, Sous-vide, Carving
* New tools available from general store and cooking pets.
* 100 new food dishes have been added, some new dishes have new effect when consuming.
* 3 new cooking ingredients and 3 new fish have been added.
* Rank 1 Available, mana will be gained on rank ups.
* From Rank 5 mana will be recovered when using rest skill, from Rank 1 potion poisoning relief effect will be added.
First Aid
* Rank 1 Available, hp will be gained on rank ups.
* From Rank 5 casting time decreases, from Rank 1 multiple first aid becomes possible.
* At Rank 2 to Rank 1, you can select either Eaven or Aodhan npc to proceed with quest line.
* Rank 1 Available, stamina will be gained on rank ups.
* From Rank 5, the appearance of campfire changes to bonfire. (Campfire kits won't change appearance)
* From Rank 5 you can incinerate Mini-Incense.
* From Rank 3, Fine Incense
* From Rank 1, Finest Incense
* Mini-Incense can be bought from healer's house, fine and finest can be made with handicraft.
* You can only burn one incense per bonfire, be careful not to burn the whole stack.
* You will receive a special effect when you rest for 1 minute, next to a Bonfire infused with Incense.
- Vanilla Incense: HP, MP, SP recovery speed increase
- Lavender Incense: Attack Delay reduction
- Lemongrass Incense: Fishing Success Rate and Fishing Size Increase
- Cherry Incense: Collection Speed increase (does not apply to metallurgy)
- Cotton Incense: Production Success Rate increase
* The Grade of Incense you use alters the effect.
* Effects will last for 36 minutes or until you log out.
* If you sit by a different Incense Infused Bonfire, the new effect will overwrite your current one.
* You cannot get the same effect again from the same bonfire.
In addition to these changes they have also added 3 new Renown NPC's - Edern, Endelyon, and Eluned
You gain HP, MP, and stamina from these NPC's at random amounts. If you don't like the stats you get you can re-do level 50? I believe... it's a tad confusing
Max stamina, HP, and MP has been uncapped from 1500 > 2500
Since we usually get all updates pertaining to skills I think it's safe to assume we will be getting all of this eventually.

There's homestead housing changes too but I decided to leave that out for now because we might not see that for a while if at all
and 14 others.
That what they said about Peaca. But do you see people soloing Peaca today like it's nothing?
People are already doing that
...Yes, yes I do.
Edit: Isn't Rundal Advanced Hardmode the hardest dungeon that isn't Phantasm? Sans Peaca Abyss.
:_: but picture it.. if some of the monsters you have, you did some of their skills but the damage could be not so much over kill but still useful : o would be neat.
So blue mages from Final Fantasy? Casting Master Lich's Hellfire? A Dragon's Meteor? Succubus Queen's Soul taking. The Holy Contagion of Girgashiy?
Neat I suppose.
So you mean Monster Transformation Mastery. I am such a dumb dumb.
lmao xD.. Yea since its in the same area as rest, campfire, first aid and so on.. Then again, Fishing and taming was left out but still. That skill is meant to be the adventures fighting/combat ability so its why i said it would be nice.
And it gives me great hope to see the rest of the capped skills get uncapped!
And ohhh, Cooking, the first skill I loved in Mabi.
I wonder if this means that Tasting will be able to be mastered.
Also woo!
An expansion on the Renown system!
I can't wait to continue earning some renown bonuses!
I can't waaaaait til we get this here!
Also that First Aid rank 2 -> rank 1 quest that is either from Eavan or Aodhan...
Is that Male characters go to Eavan and Female characters go to Aodhan?
Like during G3? I still remember that chain of protection quest, it was a nice look into those NPCs backstories.