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Pretty sure its an April fools joke tbh
On a side note....they should release updates on a Sunday more often.
The house will be just the right size for my homestead fairies, which I will still not be invited to the meetings, no matter how many I have.
Starlet is making the eggs for coloring, and Merlin is doing his best to color them with Meteor.
Par for the course. On a side note, since we're 10 years older aren't we getting a little old for trolling on april's fools day? I guess I'm just getting old.
I find little humor on the team spending something like three hours of development time on a troll, when say Charging strike still bugs out.
12:00 AM PDT would be 3am EDT
Oh i love mabi dont get me wrong. Its just i finaly thought: yay something cool that we mostly dont get.
I really believed we get something cool. but nope...
And iam REALLY FREAKING sure iam not the only one that got pissed of that ''so funny'' joke e.e
Didn't log on but my brother did boy was he mad XD
If you're going to play a joke like this, you do not (falsely!) advertise the possible prizes. Instead, you keep them hidden or secret, like Ferghus' Wings. That way you avoid hyping up people for a reward you have no intention of giving them. I'm sure I'm not alone in seeing the detailed information on the post and expecting something silly like a small homestead prop or chair as we got.
It could have been funny, but they screwed it up. Misdirection for Humor - Good; Outright Lies - Bad