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Multi-clienters ruining/abusing events
I find timed items to be more annoying to be honest. Those got pretty common lately.
We don't have to make EVERY event item untradeable. But at the very least, since multiclienters love spamming instant events and their prizes are limited, we can make the top prizes for this event untradeable.
And I'm sure there must be a way to change the code to make it so untradeable items can be put into the dressing room. Wouldn't it be nice to put your Dominion Wings into the dressing room?
I understand your concern. I myself sell event items I don't particularly like, and I did come back after years of not playing and bought a few event items from others that I liked but missed out on. But an event like this that's so dependent on how much of the population is spamming the roulette button...? It is a pretty viable solution in this case. It doesn't have to be for every event. But instant event server population roulettes are the most pressing in need of a change.
I completely agree. At least most items that would get rigged in the market. Some fashionable thing could be trade-able, because the more there is, the less valuable it becomes.
But that's not the only issue with how Nexon plans their events. We have items like the NPC figure box and the Kindergarden Squire trans medals. where you can only get 1/6-7 potential items for logging in. So if you want to collect them or get a particular one, it's still going to cost you despite being a login event item. This even bleeds over to the event gacha's RNG. I don't know if they assume everyone plays on like 20+ characters or if there's just no rebalancing from KR's population to NA's, but the odds for nearly every event item in the last couple years has been absolutely atrocious. On Ruairi there are a couple items, such as Blue Cutiefly wings from Mabi's 8th anniversary and the green Glow-in-the-Dark Bracelet from MusicQ, that have zero stars because they never even made it into the dressing room. The fact that event items come out and are so rare that they never make it into the server just makes no sense to me. Why go through the effort and then have your playerbase unable to even enjoy it?
This goes for both event gacha and prizes you buy with earned coins. Because Mabi limits the amount you can earn on one character, you're often forced to choose which prize you want the most, and then you have to either purchase the other items from other players or use alt accounts to get them. So even more so than trying to regulate modders and multiclienters, I think they need to look at how lazy their forms of events have gotten. Most are usually to just stand around and afk or fish or something similar to that. Off of the top of my head, I can only think of 5 events where you could spam the entirety of it on one character and be guaranteed all the rewards: Samhain Event, Star Piece Event, Maple Leaf Event, Dragon Boat Event, and Meowbinogi. For the most part all of these events are met with fewer complaints and I usually notice a temporary boom in active population with events like these. So I'd say it's more events like these we need and not afk/semi-afk events. I think for a majority of people, they don't want to be on alts majority of the time, they want to play their main character that they worked hard on. It's Mabi's event design that isn't allowing that to happen. So while I don't like how abused the events are by multi clienting, I dislike even more so how Nexon has made their events this exploitable to begin with.
The problem is you never even had a remote chance at the items to begin with because these people were logged in the moment the servers went up and bought all the prizes in 5 minutes which is about the time it would take someone to log into the game. They already ruined the event so doing nothing doesn't help.
I don't see people complaining about having to use trading pots to store their main gear in pets or the dressing room.
These wings are no different they give stats that usually require ENTIRE armour sets just to get and are worth millions because of it.
If you have any other idea besides making things untradeable that doesn't involve nerfing the hell out of new players or being generally unfair i"m all ears go ahead and tell me. But don't think i'm not gonna come up with ways to exploit it, just like all the people already exploiting it will know how to do also.
Because like i said and will say a million times before. These are actual players regardless of their level they will find a way around your plans.
Making things untradeable makes it impossible for them to gain anything from this event.
Lets hear your ideas.
again you're talking about only this specific event and then saying "make everything untradable"
Now if you say to just make rewards from this type of event untradable then fine. I don't care.... but EVERY EVENT? NO plis :P
Take the other half of this current event for example... I have 0 luck getting the royal rose dress and I had to buy the gloves and wig. If they were all untradable I'd have no chance of getting the dress even buying from other players. then anyone who got it and didn't want it or happened to get extras would be royally SOL
There's not much we could even do to stop it being profitable for them. People can make cute promises of "I won't buy from those guys ever
The player can't stop this effectively: the host company is the only one that can.
Yes the rewards for the Festia Instant Coin Prize event are the ones that should be untradeable.
Simply because of the rewards themselves are usually items that sell for 50+mil and people will exploit them as hard as possible.
The other part of this event are fine however since you have fight rng just to get the items themselves and they are not limited items per server. It would only be fair that you can buy them from others due to them not being limited by an item count but by your luck.
Events like the Instant coin prize if they plan to keep making them need to have the top three prizes untradeable.
Otherwise people are just gonna keep mass alt farming it before anyone else can even have a chance at items.
Which is highly unfair to the entire community as a whole.
I agree wholeheartedly. We don't need to have tradeable Festia Wings or plat hammers. Maybe change the code in the dressing room to make them storable but otherwise make it impossible to sell. If you want the wings, you have to be prepared to keep them. And people might say "but what about those of us who don't want the wings?" Maybe have an option in the instant coin machine that exempts you from getting the top prizes. That could be an easy solution.
More people get em, the value drops, and participation is rewarded instead of rewarded once in a blue moon.
Someone I know used 12 alts fishing constantly and only got ONE black bag!
Make the good rewards obtainable, rather than obscure.
Players who are active and constantly dedicating their time to the events should be REWARDED!
That'll just make things worse in the long run, instead of a crowd of people abusing hundreds of alts to get the primary prize of an event, now they get to get like a thousand of those rare wings that will inflate in price, and will become a meta equip that people will NEED, and gladly pay 10 to 50 mil for. People who end up missing events will become a steady meal ticket for multi clienters who farm the daylights out of limited items.
So it's better to just have the elitist multi-clienters to have em instead?
-shrugs- Either way you can't stop what Nexon NA allows people to do for all these years. I mean there's still quite a bit of harassment still going on. Atop that the last time people tried to let NA know about the malicious players...there was nothing done so other players took it into their own hands with the programs those malicious ppl used and used it against them since it was pretty bad....Lets just say it didn't end well and those malicious ppl are still up and about with a slap on the wrist. The players who were trying to help got perma banned.
This right here for sure. Mabinogi's events have been getting more RNG-fest for a long time. I'm beginning to see why people tend to use alts and now I even feel bad for most of them.
It's just wrong, and it needs to stop.
A social security number for making an account for a game? Please tell me you're being sarcastic... because if someone gets hacked and gets their hands on THAT, oof!!