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Dark Skintone Options for Elves!


  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    I came across this page from the Mabinogi wiki and the credit goes to Rydian which basically just showed that it is actually very easy to just add in the rest of skintones for the players to use.

    Heck, they could make it so Laighlinne’s exclusive skin that only Laighlinne partner have be available to all three races to use along with all the existing skintones.

    Like lot other people have been wondering.. why haven’t this happened yet? Especially as someone already showed how simple it is to do.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Seriously? How would giving elves dark skin tones affect you? Are you really so immature to be arguing over something like this?

  • LadameLadame
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 159
    Yeah, I don't see how someone being able to customize their character to their liking hurts someone else. We have people running around in rainbow flashy clothes, is that somehow more absurd than someone with dark skin and long ears (or tall and big with pink/blue hair)?

    I do have to agree also, with the idea that we are Milletians, we don't even have to follow lore so closely. I also cannot claim to be knowledgeable about in game content since my memory is awful but... I don't think its stated anywhere that elves CANNOT have dark skin. Even if it did, elves got black hair! So why not dark skin also?
  • DiiDii
    Mabinogi Rep: 840
    Posts: 7
    Sherri wrote: »
    Seriously? How would giving elves dark skin tones affect you? Are you really so immature to be arguing over something like this?

    I get the feeling "THE LORE" isn't the real reason he doesn't want black elves.
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    Apparently a face coupon is capable of making you look twice as dark lol
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    Dii wrote: »
    Sherri wrote: »
    Seriously? How would giving elves dark skin tones affect you? Are you really so immature to be arguing over something like this?

    I get the feeling "THE LORE" isn't the real reason he doesn't want black elves.

    I agree with you, Dii.. I mean he even implied that having ‘dark skintones’ for the elves would affect the way he communicate with them so it seemed more like for a racist reason..
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    What does Lore mean in a swords and sorcery world with electric guitars, microphones, beat boxes, and internal combustion engines? And don't get me started on how my cat, right now, is not carrying one but two pianos!

    How about this: some clever Elven mage figures out a spell that makes elves skin darker and opens up a beauty shop; mages can do so much more than kill things or support parties of adventurers, after all. Besides a beauty shop that can accomplish desired outcomes that cosmetics can't is gonna make WAY more money than what you can rob from subterranean monsters.

    Erinn is a place where, say, skinny women just stand around in Victoria's Secrets apparel in Bangor; A MINING TOWN for crying out loud! And it's just another day. So, aesthetics matter to people.

    Magic is canon, right? Concern over superficial aesthetics is a normal part of Erinn life right? Besides light skinned people living in the desert, they're gonna at least be tanned.
  • TotokeTotoke
    Mabinogi Rep: 995
    Posts: 26
    Seeing as we've gotten hair dyes, I assume we'll eventually get skin dyes :D.....
  • DiiDii
    Mabinogi Rep: 840
    Posts: 7
    Honestly dark skinned elves are one of the least immersion breaking things I can think of considering flying Food Truck pets are canon in "the lore".
    Besides, Milletians don't follow the same rules as NPCs.
  • nomigid15nomigid15
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 250
    Personally, I just write off all weird pets and mounts and stuff as "imports" from whatever world the Milletians come from (kinda like the whole "Celestial Realm = real world" gimmick in Bravely Default and Bravely Second).
  • DiiDii
    Mabinogi Rep: 840
    Posts: 7
    Culinary Artist, who is not a Milletian has his own Food Truck pet, can't really claim it's a Milletian thing. The point is how ridiculous some of these "canon" things are, but some argue that dark skinned elves are too ridiculous.
  • nomigid15nomigid15
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 250
    Yeah, but (according to his official description) he was the chosen champion of the "god of cooking". Maybe it's a divine gift sent down from Falias?
  • KagaKaga
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,170
    Posts: 617
    edited February 16, 2018
    Dii wrote: »
    Honestly dark skinned elves are one of the least immersion breaking things I can think of considering flying Food Truck pets are canon in "the lore".
    Besides, Milletians don't follow the same rules as NPCs.

    Reason why some are so against this topic (dark skin for elves) is because they are so into the usual basic af "elf lores" where most elves look like they are from the aryan race and spam archery. There was a guy who even said that elves in LotR lore aren't dark skinned, as if that had something to do with mabinogi's lore.

    As for the kid who said it will impact his "roleplaying".. go play something else then.
  • SaerrinSaerrin
    Mabinogi Rep: 530
    Posts: 9
    All skin colors should be allowed because our character's story varies from player to player. You can create a character that models you, or a pretend character that models your imagination, or heck, a mix of both. This shouldn't be a discussion because its a mute point about choice. Mabi is a game where you can be almost anything. Any race, human, giant, elf, should be any skin tone the player chooses.
    I play a darkly tan, 10 year old, human, female. There is only one thing in that description that reflects me as a person. My character is a desert wanderer, which is why she is tan. I would rather her be an elf because I love the old bias against giants, but logically I think desert dwellers should be dark. Yet, that is my opinion.
    Again, this shouldn't be a discussion because it should have already happend.
  • HipsterLillyHipsterLilly
    Mabinogi Rep: 535
    Posts: 5
    Ok so a friend and I have a running meme of "oh we'll never have tan elves"

    but uh, after memeing about it for about 5 years or so I kinda really do want tan elves. And I get that people have complained about this before and how it doesnt fit into the lore but I want to be an advocate for elf rights.(and soon, giant rights)

    Make a tan option. please?

    I dont want to have to wear a pumpkin crown 24/7 just so I can pretend i'm tan.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    No from me. Just like Elves can't remove their pointy ears, they can't change their racial skin tones.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited April 6, 2018
    No from me. Just like Elves can't remove their pointy ears, they can't change their racial skin tones.

    Dude, shush. Don't make such comments in here or this thread will get derailed in a speed of light.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    edited April 6, 2018
    Let's stay civil and discuss it like adults.

    Elves are not human. They are a separate species, and it is OK for them to be physiologically different. Imagine if a goblin with green or purple skin wanted to play Mabinogi as a human, then complained that humans did not have a green or purple skin option. As a human, you would quickly respond that humans simply don't come in green or purple.

    As for why Elves don't tan in the desert, maybe they just don't need to produce more melanin to protect themselves from UV rays. It's possible they aren't bothered by UV rays at all. Maybe to them, the light of Palala is no more damaging than the gentlest moonlight. It's also possible the color of their skin comes from a substance that is not melanin. We simply don't know. All we know is that Elves are not human.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I'm still supporting! I think my elf would look adorable in a tanned/dark skin tone >v<
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    I see that few people are continuing to fail to read my first post which does show that elves indeed can get the tan/dark sintones due to having several elven NPCs with those skintones that we players couldn't get.

    However, I am still happy that this thread got so much support and it continue to get the support from majority of players too! :D I am still very disappointed and also EXTREMELY shocked that we still don't have all the skintones be available for all 3 races especially after a while too and I will continue to fight for this til we get the dark skintones for the elves!
This discussion has been closed.