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Patch Notes - April 5th, 2018
Is this a dream? This is too good to be true. I'm so happy!
Does this mean they all won't run to the same stack of gold anymore!? Or will they run to other gold stacks instead of returning to you after each stack!?
But yay! COMMAS!!!!!
Also any1 else havin' an issue w/ mabi maxin' out their GPU now? It never happened b4 this update....
(turnin' my settings down/off didn't help either)Edit: turned off alpha fog TT.TT seems to have helped but not by much. I've never had mabi's GPU usage fluctuate so much before let alone max out. Nexon, ya broke somethin' again
Major problems:
1. There's no way to browse all auction listings without entering a search term
2. Entering anything in that search bar lags me (game frozen) for AT LEAST 10 seconds per letter, due to autocomplete.
3. I can't enter partial search terms. I enter "Rhetoi" and click the search button, and it autocompletes to "Eluned Rhetoi Gloves (or something)" and searches for that.
4. Of course you can't highlight or edit the search bar, same problem as most other text entry boxes in Mabi. This one is worse because the autocomplete kicks in with every text change.
5. Auction search CRASHED Mabi with an "Out of memory" windows error box. I have 16GB of memory, just a browser in background, on Win10 using a Core i7 (integrated graphics tho). I clicked the search box, typed in "Red" and waited a good 20 seconds while mabi was frozen. I got tired of waiting and Alt+Enter'd away from fullscreen mabi to my browser in background. No response, then a windows box popped up with an out of memory notice. I clicked 'ok' on the memory notice, and waited a few more seconds in frozen mabi. Then it crashed.
Minor annoyances:
1. When making a listing, why have two separate tabs for auction style listing and sale style listing? Just make it a single window with a checkbox for 'Auction' somewhere in there. When it is checked, show the starting bid entry box. When unchecked, hide it or grey it out.
2. You can click a button to see a list of existing prices for your listed item. Each existing price has a checkbox next to it, yet you can only choose one checkbox at a time. Checkboxes are meant for multiple choices, radio buttons are meant for single choice.
Attendance Event:
Kind of confusing... From what I understand, we have to check in every day, but it's best to check in after 60 minutes have elapsed in the day. If we check in early, we lose out and can't check in later. I would rather be able to check in early for a small reward, then check in again after 60 minutes for the rest of the reward.
Commas in Prices:
I like it, but would like the comma to be longer to make it visibly different from a period. The space that the comma creates could be smaller too. Or you could just remove the comma and leave a subtle spacing. Example: 1,000,000 turns into 1 000 000 (but with smaller spacing).
Still, thank you for taking steps to improve the game.
- Can now turn on/turn off Doll Bag's item pick up function.
- Changed the image for the client loading bar.
- You can now gift "Robes" to Partners.
- Revamped potion icons, so it's easier to tell the difference between different types of potions.
- Changed the Magic Shield Training trigger.
- Increased bank limit per character. (Up to 10 characters / 20 million gold per character | After the 11th character / 10 million gold per character)
- Reduced summoning lag.
- Gold unit now displays COMMAS!