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It's time to take attendance with the Attendance Check Event! Log in and collect stamps every day to earn points for some suspiciously blinged out prizes! You can even get a brand new Milky Way Dragon! Check out the full details here.
Attendance Check Event
Event Date: Thursday, April 5, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 3, Before Maintenance
Event Details:
- Log in each day on any character to collect stamps for your attendance sheet.
- You may only collect one stamp per day per account.
- Once you collect the stamp, you will get points.
- Collect a certain amount of Total Points to collect pieces of the Suspiciously Blinged Out Set!
- You must click the "Get Stamp" button to receive the stamp for the day.
- You cannot receive a stamp between 11:50 PM - 11:59 PM PDT real-time. The timer resets at 12 AM PDT real-time.
The longer you remain logged in, the more points you will receive. Look below to see how long you have to stay logged in for the most points!
- 0-29 mins: 5 points
- 30-59 mins: 10 points
- 60+ mins: 20 points
Event Rewards:
- 15 Points: Attendance Point Gachapon
- 150 Points: Complete Skill EXP Potion (1 Day)(Event)
- 150 Points: Rusty Hammer of Proficiency(7 Day Expiration)(Event)
- 200 Points: Blue Upgrade Stone of Protection (Event)
- 200 Points: Red Upgrade Stone of Protection (Event)
- 200 Points: Perfect Skill Reset Capsule (Event)
- 220 Points: Platinum Hammer of Durability
- 220 Points: Rebirth Potion (30 Days Expiration)
- 250 Points: Commerce Reforging Tool (Event)
- 250 Points: Birman Flat Pouch Coupon
- 250 Points: Birman Knapsack Coupon
- 450 Points: Birman Mini Pouch Coupon
Total Points Details
- All points received during the event will be added to your total points.
- Total points will remain unaffected if points are spent on other rewards.
- Once a certain amount of Total Points are obtained during the event, you can receive the Suspiciously Blinged Out Set pieces from the "Get Reward" button.
Total Points Rewards
- 50 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Slippers
- 100 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Mask
- 200 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Sceptor
- 300 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Costume
- 400 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Throne
- 450 Total Points: Milky Way Ice Dragon Whistle
Attendance Point Gachapon Rewards:
- Pet Adoption Medal
- Finest Shadow Crystal
- Red Upgrade Stone of Protection (Event)
- Blue Upgrade Stone of Protection (Event)
- Rebirth Potion (30 day Expiration)
- Perfect Skill Reset Capsule (Event)
- Platinum Hammer of Durability
- Fine Shadow Crystal
- Style Tab Key (30 Days)
- Fixed Pet Dye Ampoule Gachapon (Event)(21 Days Expiration)
- Double Life Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Double Music Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Double Alchemy Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Double Martial Arts Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Double Dual Gun Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Double Puppetry Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Combat 2x EXP Potion (2 hours)
- Complete Skill Exp Potion (1 Day) (Event)
- Rusty Hammer of Proficiency (Event)
- Guardian Soul Stone (Event) x3
- Full Recovery Potion (Event) x2
- Full Recovery Potion (Event)
- Easily Unfurling Tissue B x5
- Forgetful Potion
- Movement Speed 40% Increase Potion (Event)(30 Day Expiration)
- Nao's Soul Stone (Event) x3
- Pet EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass
- Ferghus's Free Repair Coupon
- Special Dye Ampoule (Event)(30 Day Expiration)
- Special High Speed Gathering Potion (Event)(30 Day Expiration)
- Age Potion - 9-yr-old
- Age Potion - 10-yr-old
- Age Potion - 11-yr-old
- Age Potion - 12-yr-old
- Age Potion - 13-yr-old
- Age Potion - 14-yr-old
- Age Potion - 15-yr-old
- Age Potion - 16-yr-old
- Age Potion - 17-yr-old
- Age Potion - 18-yr-old
- Name/Chat Color Change Potion (Event)
- Free Repair Kit (Clothing Shop)
- Guardian Soul Stone (Event)
- Nao's Soul Stone (Event)
Should be able to as long as you do not collect your stamp before the hour is over when you can log in.
Once I collected my stamp I have 20/50 total points.
That's because you get your first reward at 50 points.
Total Points Rewards
50 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Slippers
100 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Mask
200 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Sceptor
300 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Costume
400 Total Points: Suspiciously Blinged Out Throne
450 Total Points: Milky Way Ice Dragon Whistle
I suspect once people redeem for the Slippers, it will appear as Current Points/100 due to the next marker.
Did the math so ya'll don't have to.
If you log in everyday for the event for the full 60+ minutes, the max amount of points you can get it 580.
So you can be gone a max 6.5 days and still get the dragon
Yes! As long as you log in everyday afterwards for an hour, you can get the dragon and a few extra points!
Sorry for the extraneous posts, but I do have a question.
What's the difference between the bags (besides their in inventory size)? They're all 6x6 pouches, so why is one almost twice as expensive? Is the expensive one allowed to be open as a shop?
the 250 points one are 1x2 and 2x1 bags, and the mini pouch one (450 points) is 1x1 bag and no, they're not personal shop bags
I said it about a hundred times the last time we had this, but I LOVE this Attendance Event format. And there are Birman bags in the shop!
I was actually starting to burn out on Mabi recently but I'm so happy now heeee
I like it too. It's very tidy how you don't have to go to an NPC or deal with quest entries. The only problem is that it punishes you for checking in early by not letting you check in again later. It should just give partial rewards for checking in early, then once the hour is elapsed let us check in again.
edit: nvm I saw above. My post popped up later than
And now a question of my own. The points for the Suspiciously Blinged Out Set are set to 50 points, 100, 200, etc etc, but... if the points are spent on claiming those, will we still have points to spend for the bag? My friend wants to get the bag at the bottom of the list for 450 points. He will be able to buy the bag with the points and get the dragon via cumulative points earned, right?
You get each prize at each point level as you progress. You don't have to choose. You'll get everthing as as alway yo
This is what happens when you switch up attendance events from automatic to manual all the time, and then suddenly have it in a intruding button you put away and not used to it's existence.
"Stage 3 reward"
"Cumulative Reward Bonus: x4"
"Total Points 40/50"
"Total Time: 7:50:20"
"Points: 5p"
They should've killed two birds with one stone by requiring us to open the auction house to check into the attendance event.
Does it mean one of each type or one BIRNAM bag in total? Like... You can't have the 2x1 bag as well as the 1x2 bag.
It would be terrible to put coins into both of the 250pts bag to only be able to use one of them.
Aren't these the same Birnam bags which came from Samhain Event? If so then you can have each type of Birnam Bag, but not exactly same ones. But meh, if those are the same old ones then i gonna just waste my points on RNG boxes lol.