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How to get back out of housing area

Mabinogi Rep: 940
Posts: 17
in Help
When I try to use the return coupon it never works. Is that a glitch or am I doing something wrong? Is leaving manually (on foot, on a pet) the only way out?


  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    If you're not in the same housing area that you got the return coupon for, it won't work.

    So if you get a Return Coupon in Abb Neagh Housing, but continue shopping and warp to a house over in Sliab Cuillin Housing, the return coupon you originally got won't work, unless you go back to Abb Neagh Housing.
  • AlchemistjkAlchemistjk
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 17
    Thank you. I will try again and see if that is what I'm doing wrong.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    I usually do all my housing channel shopping in one trip, sometimes visiting many housing areas, meaning the return coupon almost never works for me. I just use the travel guide to warp to the nearest moon gate. Continent warp is also an option. If both fail, just walk right out.
  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 394
    edited April 7, 2018
    When you use the housing.....and switch to different area's in the need to make sure you switch back to the original housing to use your coupon as it will not give you another coupon for going to another housing area from the housing area. If you have waxen wings...those should work if I am not mistaken.

    Ex: Moving from Dugald to Abb Neagh need to go back to Dugald to use your coupon.
  • AlchemistjkAlchemistjk
    Mabinogi Rep: 940
    Posts: 17
    Thanks, this helps a lot. I was able to use the coupon when I went to a house and left directly back to where I was. I must have always switched housing areas before and thought the coupon just never worked. I forgot about continent warp - that's a good idea too. Or yeah, just get back to the same housing before I want to leave. And I didn't know the moonlight book would work from housing. All of these ideas will work fine.
    If both fail, just walk right out.
    Lol, this is true! I think I've gotten far too lazy with all my magic!