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Theater missions need to be changed
The way you obtain theater missions is the absolute stupidest thing I have ever heard of. I would bet people might actually run these if they werent nearly impossible to enter because of the insane amount of horrid rng and blatant time wasting. The paper sheep move more then regular sheep so you only get 1 sheer each time they move instead of 2, the pages u get are completely random, so if you want hard, the only one worth doing unless u just started playing, u have to waste an enormous amount of time sheering garbage from these things, and you had better pray you dont need a spesific mission, like for the gm dailies, because the mission u get is randomly selected, so your lookin at potentially grinding sheep for HOURS, I have been doing this for an hour already and still havnt gotten even one single guardian of avon hard for a knight gm quest, I understand not wanting to remove the paper sheep crafting all together after putting a bunch of work into it, but there is no reason why we should not be able to just select the mission we want like literally every single other type of mission in the game, as they are now theater missions are nothing but a gigantic waste of time

That and their rewards, both EXP and Gold, are pitiful when compared to other, more easily accessible, content.
They could make Elite difficulties of the current TMs, too.
They're also untradeable, so that's a whole other level of inconvenience. While yes, you could get someone to drop you in, there might not always be someone there with the pass you need, difficulty, etc.
Might not always be? Try absolutely never will be. The odds of even finding someone else gathering pages when you happen to decide to do it are already so insanely slim as it is, but to then find someone who happens to have the pass for the mission AND difficulty you want who also does not want to use that pass themselves is simply not going to happen. You could sit there with a party advertising for it for hours and get nowhere. They just need to make them all obtainable the same way MA is. That would be an extremely easy, nearly effortless and instant "problem solved".
A boost in gold/EXP would also be nice since it would make these missions more desirable to run. The only valuable items that drop from the chests would be trinity stuff/Hard Monster Horn/Rosemary glove mats. Due to the Halloween fishing event, Trinity parts are easily found, monster horns aren't rare or valuable, and rosemary glove parts are particularly rare.
1. Make the passes smaller (2x1 like normal passes)
2. Make rewards better/more worthwhile (25% increase in gold, 10% increase in EXP or so.)
3. Make passes easier to obtain/get.
I will expand on 3; Why not make it so you can craft 'em with Handicraft stuff? Make it so the Paper Sheep drop "Avon Paper" when ya shear 'em, and then you can craft a pass with each mission from different material amounts per mission.
Say if ya want to get into Guards of Avon, you'd use Iron Ore with the paper, and for Hard, you need an Iron Ingot, 5 Avon Paper and for you to be at rank 9 Handicraft, while the Beginner one can be crafted at Rank F.
And you can unlock the recipes after you talk to Marlowe using the "Skills" tab, he'll send ya on a fetch quest to get 10 Avon Paper and then show you how to make the pass.