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Pheo's Free Art Shack [Closed]
Hello! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
It's finals week next week and I need to take a break from studying and relax/draw a little, so post some refs below! I don't have my tablet with me unfortunately, so these will be traditional style, pencil/pen/copic marker drawings!
thank you!
Edit: I now have my tablet! so they'll be digital now!
Edit Edit: Not accepting any more! thank you!
If you don't mind drawing one from another game~
Here's Nii
This is my channel
I'll post one video but if you want a different outfit or something, that link up top will take you to other videos in my channel, you can choose from those if u wish
I think I might have drawn you once before but I can't remember!
Anyway's here you go!
(P.S. It looked better before I tried to color it LOL OTL... Why does this always happen to me)
Reference: https://i.imgur.com/asd2425.png
*Notes: The outfit is a Hanbok, a traditional Korean dress. The earrings are ice crystals.
If necessary, personality traits are: impulsive, clumsy, stubborn, carefree.
The maid (Miyu) and cats (Bolt, Trip, Spud) are optional.
I probably could have cropped this better but here you go!
IT'S SO GOOD!!!! >U<
omg you have! You drew my loli char awhile back.. I didn't know. Sorry
Yeah, it looks really nice with color
Thank you for letting me know you drew my loli before and still decide to draw this char.
OMG I'm sorry about the last thread I totally didn't commit to that one very well >n<
I always get art block so fast after drawing. So sometimes I just drop off the face of the planet.
Your character is super cute and i really really wanted to color her eyes but unfortunately the rest looks really light because of it! oops!
Ah...don't apologize, I should've posted earlier. Ugh, I hate art blocks!
Thank you for the lovely drawing. Your line art and coloring is so smooth and pretty! ^u^
I hope she interests you
Thank you for the opportunity
I'm back home with my tablet! So here's a digital sketch
Oh my... so lovely and detailed! I love it
Omg O: she looks adorable! Thank you so much