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More wings + Terrible male outfits
The eluned version of outfits is a really cool feature, girls get more pants and guys get... Trap outfits. Aside from the spew of (again) more wings guys end up with some really awful outfits. I get that it's half a joke but I can't be the only one who plays a male character and is sick of shorts (and more recently skirts too).
nice bait on the wing orbs too, can't recall anyone getting those ever
edit: oh sorry, the incubus wings are back ...but in the orb : )))))))))))))))
Which is still going to be rare as crap.... Nexon please....
do you guys know how long I've been waiting for these I neeeeed them
I mean...if you think about...what else are you going to make Eluned versions for guys except skirts? Females never get pants anymore unless it's Eluned. So, if females get Eluned outfits, the only available outfits for guys to get Eluned will be skirts and dresses. We could have girls get Eluned and guys get nothing.
At the very least, out of the popular outfits that is.
I guess we could go into some older outfits and make Eluned Andras Wear. Anti-Fomor Uniform (F) has semi pants. And there are a couple of female outfits that have short shorts such as Two Piece Overall set.
I am not convinced that nexon has any desire to have their gach's payout at any reasonable rate.
Although I am curious how much the 5 enchantable wings and their respective Max Damage Enchants will go for.
in 30 I got 3 pairs of wings (2 of which are new) , 10 dyes for wings,(which areselling for 2.5-5m each) 1 new outfit, and the rest were white dyes and training pots.
Also @ OP now you know how females feel. You know how many female outfits have short skirts? People have been asking for YEARS to give females pants and not stupid mini skirts, and we finally getting pants.
Curiosity can kill a cat
As I said in the op, I'm pretty sure these things don't exist. When we had the first wing orb people spent SO FREAKING much and I knew of one person that got them, at least only one person with a screenshot.
You're not wrong, it's just frustrating.
Less shota outfits and awful looking wings, idc about skirts provided there's more pants options like the private riding outfit. What I'd also like to see is more support puppets.
Last time we had icarus it went for 300m, as for the other wing enchants maybe the str one/max will be worth something but the rest are basically useless.
Also about the Eluned, I guess genders won't matter. I rather be feMALE.
So far I've seen 2 people get the Marvelous Wings Orbs so it might not be as rare as the first wing orb rate, but still... the wings I wanted (dyeable frostblossom) was 92m c/o. Ridiculous
I spent 500$+ the last time when there was only one and couldn't even land it.
PTSD-IntensifiesOne can only wonder what the chances are at getting the marvelous wing orb.
Edit: Can confirm that $120 worth of gacha got me barely anything. Probably the best thing i got were the golden glass wings or earthy frost blossom wings but thats it. Marvelous wing orb looks so enticing. :[