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Make the Memory card game permanent
Meant 1,000 =w='
That's also the same as nothing.
@YangKoete, 1000 exp & gold is a great idea. It's better than most part-time jobs pay for a lot less work.
Well, thing is, it's harder for some "decks" if ya go in order from top to bottom, just tryin' to find a match.
Oh, I understand it's not an "easy" game, it's just not running around finding things, and you can do it anywhere, at anytime. I liked your idea and was just supporting it.
Well, Smack a Rat and Stacky Cake can be moved to Festia maybe.
if you read the post, you realize i meant mini games such as mafia. (which the party selection is called "mini-game")
[edit] believe me i love to care about the other party mini-games types we could play..... if we had any.
They could easily leave some kind of NPC somewhere (like Dunbarton, because it's where most people chill) who holds all types of mini-games we have ever had in past events. It would be nice to keep them for practice or just fun, maybe even give some kind of goodies to attract more people.
yes, but the confusion is, that is is not the post for that. this is specifically the mini game category under party- which atm we ONLY have 1 party game