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This is a forum topic for players new and old who have basic, sometimes stupid questions that they need answered but don't wanna make a topic on it or think it's not important enough to create one for. It's also a good spot if you're new and feel like you just want a few friends or mentors to help you get on your feet, or would like to meet some nice people to kick-start your journey in Erinn : D
Post your ign and server and/or question, and you "should" get a few people at the very least who will befriend you. And even if you're not on the same server as someone else, you can post a question here and anyone will try to solve it. Nothing is too basic to ask, trust me I've been asked why roosters aren't giving people eggs by multiple people, including a veteran. If they can ask that, then you can ask anything you want in this topic and not feel bad!
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IGN: Blackfangx , server: Alexina
It looks like a fun Minigame to me.... =/
Hilarious memes if you screenshot them out of context :^ )
just in case this is a serious question... once your squires' stats are moderate to high and your command level is high enough, you can send them on missions which reward exp and gold. the ammounts are quite decent too
mostly for new players who need help:
IGN: Nevyn25
server: alexina
Training and ranking up your Squires also awards a pseudo currency called Alban Knight seals, tiered in three categories of Basic (Bronze coloured), Intermediate (Silver Coloured), and Advanced (Gold coloured), with varying levels of prizes, with Advanced containing the most exquisite/expensive prizes of Broken Divine Guardian Equipment, which are rare drops used to craft Divine weapons and armor, like Pihne and Caswyn's sets, to Divine Crossbows or Divine Short Lances.
Bronze can award Magic and Ancient Golden Crystals, while Intermediate can award Shining Shards. Advance's drop tables can award both shards and crystals, while Intermediate can award just Shards and Crystals, but not Divine guardian equipment. Basic only drops magic crystals, which go for a hefty prize on the player market. (You can get around 3.5 Million Gold for Ancient Golden Crystals on Alexina)
To assist you in wooing the squires, have a look at this excellent spreadshot not by me.
Any squires better than others? I'm focusing on Kannan and Logan atm since they're easy.
Each squire has their own "specialty" stat that will grow a bit faster compared to their other stats, and will use different weapons in the Alban missions to suit those specialties. Also all the squires aside Logan and Kanna will "toy" with you when you talk to them about special topics to improve their closeness. Logan and Kanna will always tell you want to talk to them about to improve closeness, but the others won't be as direct and require the spreadsheet @Blissfulkill posted to keep track of what you need to say to them.
Beyond that, I think it's all a matter of taste.
Cool! So far I like them both, I guess I'll take the shy girl as my 3rd when my commander level is high enough. Forgot her name though
Palalan Embracegets better bonuses if I'm not mistaken.Edit: Shine of Eweca*
Tfw you make a topic to help pll and end up finally learning what squires do
Well, you were one of the people who posted here. ;D
I see...so kind of like re-birthing extending trans time depending on the amount of rebirth#. Any idea on the increments or is there a cap?
Looks like we only have the caps themselves, and none of the progression, lol.
He’s gone for good this time around. A higher power took care of him.
I had so much fun in Zephy’s guild. We need to do stuff like that together but at an earlier time.
I once saw someone do the Oppa Gangnam Style dance at the weekly Banquet. What event did that dance/gesture(?) come from and how long ago was that?