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What's that supposed to mean?
if you're referring to the art trade with me and Percivaal, he's been ignoring me since my finish of the art trade, so don't tell me patience is a virtue when you immidiately get ignored, it's an art trade, typically people who know art trades, you need to update wtf you're doing and let the person know what's going on.
I've been getting ignored since so don't go commenting in MY shop unless you have HIS 4M to give me. T:
Not like cyberpolice will hunt him down and force him to do your doodle, anyway.
tl;dr: chill.
me "spamming bumps" has nothing to do with it.
I bump to keep my shop relevent.
so it doesn't "disappear" into different pages.
if you don't like it, you can ignore my shop T: cause i'm not going to stop bumping it c:
also it's not really "spamming" if i'm doing one bump every day.
spamming is me constantly doing so over a period of minutes to even hours.
gerund or present participle: spamming
send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.
"Spamming" wouldn't really describe it, but considering your art shop is still in the front page of this forum section, it doesn't seem necessary to keep bumping it. Your choice, but you can always update your main post to catch interest. I only saw Marielx leave comments like this to keep the artists in good spirits, so an insult wasn't the first thing that came to mind lol.
As for your art trade, check their profile for recent activity. They've last been online the day they received the drawing, so as Mariel said, maybe real life issues. No need to spoil someone's name till you're sure you've been cheated. And if you ever get scammed, 4m is a loss, but it's the skill that counts. You're improving, and you can apply art skills in real life too. win/win for you regardless.
I understand, but the fact is I've had stuff like this happen to me before.
it may have not been on here, but it's been on other games, with the same situation.
if you have issues, you should at least let the person know about it and why you're not going to do the trade atm.
last i heard on the 30th was "i'll try to do it tomorrow" so I expect updates.
this has been SEVERAL DAYS LATER they had some kind of time to let me know, even if it was for a few seconds.
so no, he's not getting anymore art from me. End of story.
also, if i wanted to do FREE art(I understand it's practice, but still) I'd reopen my free chibi/non-chibi thread again.
He owes me 4M and that's that.
This was a late happy birthday gift to an amazing friend of mine.
She's absolutely amazing! I'll do my side Pronto!! I've been excitingly waiting to do my side >u< ♥
as well as art trades.