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The Raven in the Ruins' Hasidim


  • CiriCiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,185
    Posts: 63
    edited June 18, 2018
    Pets attacking the apostle counted for crits too, other than that, I burned through all the stacks of pots from events..its not even funny especially how frustrating he is inb4 a nerf comes. Pray to rngesus for crits, and even as an archer it made me want to pull my hairs out...
    Edit: The main reason why we got power from ghost boy was supposedly for the erg system. He just gave it to us but since our milletian body have accrued other energies/powers from previous gens, it wasn't sitting on us too well, especially mid-fighting the arsehole apostle.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Ciri wrote: »
    Edit: The main reason why we got power from ghost boy was supposedly for the erg system. He just gave it to us but since our milletian body have accrued other energies/powers from previous gens, it wasn't sitting on us too well, especially mid-fighting the arsehole apostle.
    Irony: you can get an erg-ed weapon before doing this battle.
  • ZuomoZuomo
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,015
    Posts: 150
    Pets, Way of the gun ( I know you said not to say that, but imo its the easiest for a younger character as guns attack very fast, the skills are able to be got with no problem as well). Any attack thats fast if you have high crit. For the crit part lol

    I did this both on my main (around 9k+) and alt (2k) the main can just tank the blows given to him pretty much. (Basically just final hit him to death.)
    The alt required lots and lots of pot spam, and timing.

    Random note; If you drag the apostle away from the prophets/ally npcs far enough, the prophets just wont fight. (The first time I did it I didn't even know they were supposed to be fighting.)

    Really you just want him not to aggro yo u as much as possible, (Divine link, dropping aggro to manage it onto the npcs.) and getting away from the dash.

    As others have said he can hit through obstacles, so be extremely aware of the surroundings, and make sure there is always space to run if needed
  • SoraHakuDASoraHakuDA
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 43
    Well i managed to drop his health to 50% then got killed. This whole thing where he flies up in the air and some force smashes on to you has me lost now xD. Is there any way to stop him from doing that?
  • KttyKtty
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,515
    Posts: 901
    edited June 19, 2018
    SoraHakuDA wrote: »
    Well i managed to drop his health to 50% then got killed. This whole thing where he flies up in the air and some force smashes on to you has me lost now xD. Is there any way to stop him from doing that?

    Use shield of trust at the instant he jumps. It will block the effect of that attack. I also suggest having Nao Stones, Guardian Soul Stones or res balloons to revive yourself with if you time it incorrectly.
  • SoraHakuDASoraHakuDA
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 43
    Ktty wrote: »
    SoraHakuDA wrote: »
    Well i managed to drop his health to 50% then got killed. This whole thing where he flies up in the air and some force smashes on to you has me lost now xD. Is there any way to stop him from doing that?

    Use shield of trust at the instant he jumps. It will block the effect of that attack. I also suggest having Nao Stones, Guardian Soul Stones or res balloons to revive yourself with if you time it incorrectly.

    Thanks! And yeah i'm currently doing dailies to save up on guardian stones. x'D
  • RiddleTricksterRiddleTrickster
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,585
    Posts: 70
    edited June 20, 2018
    Well this is what I went through, and here are my tips:

    Stack up on Mana Pots and HP pots as well as Wound/ Full recovery pots. A WHOLE bag full i'm telling you. Use mana shield/ Rank it up as much as you can and use it. There is the crit skill too having that high rank helps.With the time limit, you have two times to use trans and about two or three for Demigod. For the crit, I have knucks with an enchant making it 44% crit rate with my fighter all it's up to you on the crits.

    You can also use Battle field Overture to boost up your crits. To help with your time, you can use ninja hide ( or hide for just us elves hehe) for human then run/ summon a pet and get to the pillars behind you immediately once the battle starts. Wait, get the erg strength. Then wait maybe 2 or 3 minutes? (after a while you know when it's almost time). Then locate the apostle (play your overture) then GO so when you start heading to it, " You suddenly feel your body has adjusted to new strength!" appears and you can focus on criting.

    You can also use Divine link to have extra Hp, and an HP and/or MP BOOST POTION

    This was a headache for sure. And have a friend with the special rev feathers if you can to help you. lol.

    One time the knights hit critted before I got to the apostle and I automatically got in lol. They should have it like that e.e.

    Oh one more thing. DON"T GO BY THAT #$%!@ BRILLUEN. and those goons will revive so leave them alone. I recommend staying as much as you can to the right as much as possible with the knights. Who may kind of stop at the 28 minute mark I think. When that happens, stay close to them as much as possible, the apostle may still target them. For me, they didn't move but still activated their attacks.

    And dont forget pet spam. I desummon mines when they are going to get double hit, are low in health, or magic casted. (Those that have summon knock backs are great eg. Pegasus, Spirit of Tuan, Flame horse)

    Good luck guys! this was intense, and I dced just 10 minutes after finishing.

    Edit addition: Also, You can try go between his legs to dodge dodge dodge (hue). And prepare your Shield of Trust. Later on about 60% Hp left (If I recall correctly), he will levitate and do it. As soon as you see him lift, hotkey the shield.
  • KttyKtty
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,515
    Posts: 901
    Oh one more thing. DON"T GO BY THAT #$%!@ BRILLUEN. .

    OMG i hate her!!!!!
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    I have no idea how this was ever an issue. I didn't even hit the thing seven times and it was knocked out of it.
  • SoraHakuDASoraHakuDA
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 43
    I have no idea how this was ever an issue. I didn't even hit the thing seven times and it was knocked out of it.

    Cause you're probably OP, but i'm sure not everyone has the same OP-ness QwQ
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    SoraHakuDA wrote: »
    I have no idea how this was ever an issue. I didn't even hit the thing seven times and it was knocked out of it.

    Cause you're probably OP, but i'm sure not everyone has the same OP-ness QwQ

    Like I said, I didn't even hit it. At the time, I was beating the crap out of one of the Fomor Trio, when Hasidim used that skill, and it seemed to cancel before any Knight died.

    I didn't even know one could autofail the Hasidim fights until well after I finished them.
  • RiddleTricksterRiddleTrickster
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,585
    Posts: 70
    Ktty wrote: »
    Oh one more thing. DON"T GO BY THAT #$%!@ BRILLUEN. .

    OMG i hate her!!!!!

  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    The part of the fight is a lot of waiting until the ghost boy give you powers. Then, wait for the right timing where you will have to use Final Hit (if you are human) or using Way of a Gun (if you are are elf or giant). After the small dialogue, focus on the apostle using Final Hit or Chain Slash and avoid the trio using Crisis Escape (if you have that skill) or Shadow Cloak. Always keep Mana Shield active if you have a high amount of MP. (Back it up with Inspiration skill and MP potions.)
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Anyone thinking about fighting the Prophets; they get back up a bit after being defeated.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    I didn't know the Prophets were supposed to do anything.
    I went right up to them during the fight and they just... stood there in a line.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    I didn't know the Prophets were supposed to do anything.

    I went right up to them during the fight and they just... stood there in a line.

    They will start pestering you after you free the knight when Hasidim traps one of them and the real battle starts.
  • RiddleTricksterRiddleTrickster
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,585
    Posts: 70
    Aeolys wrote: »
    Anyone thinking about fighting the Prophets; they get back up a bit after being defeated.

    I mentioned this.
  • LeafpetalLeafpetal
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,505
    Posts: 185
    just a note that during my fight with it, even though it was able to go through walls it seemed to get stuck on the piles of planks and the deco rocks on the floor. i couldnt attack it from the other side of these but at least it couldnt attack me either (as long as you stand far away, the spear jab can reach over). of course i was a bit distracted during my fight trying not to die, this is just something i noticed so if anyone could provide confirmation on this it'd be great. (ive already finished the mission so i cant go back and check)
  • Atheist42Atheist42
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 106
    I think a lot of the previous posters understand this, but no one has said it explicitly: Early in the battle, when the on screen prompts are telling you to look around and find someone, you don't have to. The trigger for the discussion with the ghost priest Kaelic is time-based, and it will still trigger even if you haven't found him and are far away from him.

    So, when the mission starts and Hasidim immediately aggros you, lead him out the gate to the North, making sure you go slowly enough to let all the knights follow. This will put you in a nice open area for the fight, and you'll be far enough away from Brilluen and her cronies that they never join in.

    After the discussion with Kaelic, the on screen prompts say to avoid fighting Hasidim. My first few runs on my elf, I tried staying a long way away from him, but him would jump to me and trap me. The knights wouldn't generate enough critical hits to free me, and the mission failed. Eventually I tried staying closer to him, he used his trap attack on a knight, and my elf freed the knight with gun attacks. Haven't done enough testing to be sure, but maybe a working theory is the trap attack is placed on the knight or player furthest away from Hasidim, or maybe it just targets your character if it thinks you're playing too safe by being a long way away.

    Demigod seems useful. Spear of Light can drop his health by about 15% in one hit. Unfortunately my elf only managed to land that once before being killed by his double-barrelled charge attack, so I burned many Nao Soul Stones on the final successful run. But I've just survived the mission on my human without dying at all. For reasons I don't understand, from when my human went to demigod, most of Hasidim's double-barrelled charge attacks were at the knights rather than my human. He did get me a few times, so I still went through an awful lot of health potions and mana potions. But I managed to land Spear of Light on him 6 times, which ended the battle pretty quickly. Based on my experience with my elf, I suspect my human survived more by luck than skill, so I'll be surprised if I also manage to get my giant through this without dying at least once.

  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Let's share how badly we did in this mission by saying how many Nao Stones we burned.

    I'll start: I shamefully used 13 Nao Stones to power through the battle. At least 3 of them were wasted because the instant I got up, Hasidim charged me.